chapter 3: aftermath

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Evryone but nathaniel facepalms. Then they head back to base.

5 hours later

Head of acu: good job on the "bird lizards". Owen clare are you ready for your court trial, to face what happened on nublar?

Owen: not really but i know i have to.

Clare: lets go grady.

After the court trial

Owen: i can't believe we won that trial.

Clare: me either.

Back at (acu)base.

Seth: there you 2 are.

Owen and clare: hey patton

Seth: boss want us 3 at the mission room.

Owen: ok lets go.

Clare: what about Nathaniel and Jordyn?

Seth: there already there

Mission room.

Head of acu: ok soliders. We've been ordered to go back to nublar to salveg anything we can....

Everyone: ....then let's move out.

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