Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Hök thrust his arms out, shielding Sovia from the men that now streamed into her chamber. "I will fix this, my love," he whispered to her.

"I wish you could." Sovia pushed her skirt down, covering her legs, and quickly slipped her arms back into the sleeves of her gown. "Forgive me, Hök. You seem like a good sort of fellow," she whispered and then leapt off the bed and ran into her father's arms. "Oh, Father. I was so frightened," she said, loud enough for all the guardsmen to hear.

"Hök! Explain." The mighty Jarl of Tronscar's voice clapped like thunder through the door. The small chamber had become a sea of raised voices. Her father's guards were demanding blood while the Tronscar guards were circling young Hök, shoving him protectively behind them. Hök's twin brother rushed past, coming to stand next to her shirtless suitor. Now that she saw the twin sons side by side, the resemblance was striking but not exact. A proper formal introduction could have had this entire mess easily avoided.

"My daughter's honor has been decimated. There must be blood to answer for this treachery," her father, Baron Losna, said, his speech well rehearsed. He turned his head slightly as he spoke to ensure that their host heard every word.

Jarl Magnus Knutson pushed his men aside and tugged his son forward. "What say you, son?"

Young Hök's hair and clothes were disheveled, but he straightened his spine and stepped forward toward Sovia's father, bowing his head. "Your servant, baron. I came to her chamber to speak with her and hear her wishes before petitioning for her hand. I beg you to allow me the honor of taking her as my wife." Though bright red in the face, he spoke with a strong, bold voice. "I love your daughter with all my heart, sir." He dropped to his knee, submitting himself to her father's mercy. "Sovia has returned my affections and made me the happiest of men."

Sovia closed her eyes. Hök had caught sight of her only three days before in the courtyard. This was not love. This was infatuation. Though his body was ideal in all ways—flat hard belly, splendid broad shoulders—perhaps he had been dropped on his head at birth. Professing love so quickly and easily was a clear sign of foolishness.

"Father," she said. "I agreed to naught. He followed me to my chamber and forced his way in. I swear it to you. Hök took advantage." She caught her father's eye when she said the lad's name. He needed to adjust his plan accordingly.

"Hök! 'Tis the second son who assumes to steal my only daughter, and presumes himself worthy of her royal bloodline?" Her father gave Sovia a little shove toward the door, leaving her with no doubt that he was displeased with her blunder.

Now the negotiations would begin—her father would leave the Danish ambassador's peace talks much richer than when he'd arrived. Sovia hoped that some miracle would occur during their talks and that she and Hök would be forced to marry. There was still time to take him to bed and conceal the truth of who had sired her babe. Her father had assured her that her new husband would take her back to Toraslotte and await the birth of the child, who would safely be born a few months early. There was still a chance all would work out.

"My lord," Hök said. "I take full responsibility. It was not Sovia's fault but mine."

"Of course she is blameless! Yet she has been ruined, soiled by your unworthy hands. Jarl Knutson, I demand satisfaction!"

"And you shall have it, Baron Losna," said the Jarl of Tronscar. "The young people shall be wed after the morning mass." Sovia's heart soared. He raised his arm out, extending his hand to her father. "Let us join hands, baron, and in so doing join our houses."

Her father glared at the offered hand. "She is the granddaughter of the great King Sigurd the

Crusader, or have you forgotten? Her connections will not be wasted on the dishonorable second son of a northern jarl. She is a princess of Norway and only a man of equal birth will do. You think too highly of yourself, Jarl Magnus. Her cousin, the honorable King Magnus Erlingsson, would never allow such an inferior alliance."

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