~chapter 2~

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The incident from the night before was still fresh in Hinata's mind as he made his way back to his apartment, his backpack filled with people's wallets and purses. His apartment complex slowly came into view and he felt a smile grace his features at the thought of a warm bath and a nap.

The complex was nothing special; the paint was chipping off the walls and the elevator only worked once in a blue moon. The hallways smelled like pee and animals, even though there was a strict rule against having animals within the complex.

"Good afternoon, Yuki," his neighbour greeted him as he unlocked his door.

"Afternoon, Mrs Akane," he greeted back, smiling as the elderly woman closed her door again. He always used a fake name when finding a place to stay. Sugawara usually helped him move around every few months. Unlocking the door, he stepped inside.

As soon as he entered the apartment, he knew something was wrong. Quietly, he closed the door behind him and moved further into the apartment. He didn't carry a weapon – he was a thief, not a murderer – so he picked up the TV remote and took a careful step.

"I'm not sure what you're thinking of doing with that," came a voice from behind him, "But you might want to reconsider trying to fight back." Hinata spun round and saw a man with messy black hair leaning against his front door.

"Who the hell-"

"Come on, kid. Drop the remote." He felt the barrel of a gun being pressed against the back of his head and his stomach dropped. They were going to kill him.

He dropped the remote at his feet and slowly turned round, coming face to face with the metal barrel but being able to see a mass of monochrome hair behind the gun.

"Can we talk this out?" He almost begged.

"You're Hinata Shoyou, right?" A man with dark hair was casually sitting on his couch. Hinata only nodded.

"Then you're our target," came a voice from the kitchen. Hinata looked over to see a man with chestnut brown hair and a smirk looking back at him.

"Target? What the hell are you talking about?"

The man leaning against his front door sighed and said, "You broke into and robbed the house of Iwaizumi Hajime. You were caught on camera. We've been sent to kill you."

"I mean, technically I didn't break in. The window was open."

"You stole from the house," the man on the couch stated.

Hinata held his breath as he looked at the man holding the gun. There were a few seconds of tense silence before the man sighed and moved the gun away from Hinata's head. "I can't do it."

"What do you mean, you can't?"

"He's basically a kid, Tetsurou! I can't kill a kid!"

The two men argued while Hinata simply watched, confused. The man standing in his kitchen walked over and stood in front of him. "If we can't kill him...then he'll have to come with us." He looked at the other men. "No loose ends, right?"

Hinata didn't have a moment to argue before a rag was placed over his mouth and nose, the smell of chemicals seeping into his body. Everything went dark.


Hajime pinched the bridge of his nose as the Head Agent's words sunk in. "What do you mean, the mission failed?"

The smaller male took a deep breath and said, "They didn't kill Hinata Shoyou."

Hajime let out a long sigh before sitting back in his chair. There were a few seconds of silence before he said, "I want them all dead." The Head Agent began to protest but was cut off; "They are all traitors to The Government and I want them dead!"

The Head Agent simply stared at the other man before whispering, "Yes, sir," and walking out of his office. He pulled out his phone and called his second-in-command. "Kenma? I have bad news."

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2016 ⏰

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