Moving in

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Hey my name is Madison and I'm moving to a new town, my mom and dad said that I would love where I was going .
I never really got an explanation as to why I was moving but then again who am I to question my parents. the people who provide me food, love and shelter.

I said "maybe" then I helped pack the last box into the car and u-haul. it was really sad to drive away from my old house only because I grew up there I would only imagine in a million years of moving that has never once crossed my mind.
I just used my MacBook the whole entire ride to finish up the work that I would have to turn in into my old school since I won't be going there anymore.

we reached our new home and I quietly closed my laptop and stared out the window, it was beautiful it looked like the perfect family home and I couldn't wait to go explore.
the moment I stepped out of the car I smelt the fresh air and took off my sandals to walk on the grass instead of the actual pathway that was provided to enter the house.
I opened the door and saw the emptiness because there wasn't really any furniture so the house was quiet,

I went up the stairs and saw the bedrooms it was obvious as to which was the master bedroom which would be for my parents,
so I picked the second biggest and went back downstairs to grab one of my boxes with my name on it and opened it up and sat on the floor as I looked through my photo album because that was on the top

I smiled looking at all my childhood friends just thinking how I'm going to miss them sooooo much, no one would ever compare to the friends I grew up with. then again we only moved 2 hours away I could always drive and see them I do have my license.
I had also got a car for my 17th birthday and I was very grateful that my parents were even thoughtful to do so and go out there way and actually pay for one. but my car is being brought here when the u-haul gets here also.
we started moving boxes in and I got tired way too fast, and my parents laughed
we all got tired and I took a nap on the floor.
I hadnt realized so much time ran by it was already almost 11 pm and I was starving!
I didn't want to wake my parents so I just grabbed the keys and walked out into our driveway and got in the car pulling out and driving down with my headlights on while trying to notice the area and get used to it. I noticed so many cute small stores that I knew I would love but they were all closed obviously because its 11 at night. I pulled into a 24 hour open diner and the moment I parked my car and stepped out I felt unusually weird like someone was staring, but I shrugged it off and walked in and the beautiful smell of food hit my nose.
I'm the weird kind of girl that eats breakfast at night also.
I ordered pancakes one of my favorites.

as I waited for my order I saw the waiter come back up with a drink and I told her I hadnt asked for anything to drink yet and she said well that guy over there did and I looked to see her pointing at the man sitting a few tables away from me and I put my hand up as a sign of saying thank you.

he smirked and waved back and I left it there because how do I know if the man poisoned it or not.
my pancakes came out and I devoured them and the entire time I was eating I would glance and notice the man staring at me and I began to feel uncomfortable because I was eating un lady like. I saw that he got up and I was relived because I thought he was leaving but instead he came and sat across from me.
I finished my plate just in time. he stared at me intensely and I just stared down and he just kept burning holes in my chest.

"hello" he said with a soft tone
I looked up and only smiled and he just continued to stare "what is a girl like you doing out here at almost midnight " and I told him that I was hungry so I came out for a bite and he nodded.

"how old are you"
and I just began having thoughts in my head like ummmmm why is he asking for my age was he gonna try and hit on me ??
he looks about 24 and I'm only 17 that would be a bigggg issue if he even tried to go there.
but then again I could be wrong about his age he did seem young but with a manly defined face.

"what is it that your thinking about? " and I came back to reality


he said "what were you thinking about because I asked you a question and it seems as though your mind went somewhere else."

I told him I was 17 he showed no emotion to it whats so ever just nodded his head. "do you need a ride home? I wouldn't want you walking alone In this time of night"
awww how sweet of him he cared how I got home, for some reason I felt an attraction to him like I could trust him with everything in me. I called the waiter over and told her I needed the check
she said "oh no dear its alright its already been paid for"

and I stared at her in confusion then look over at the man and saw him nod at her " you did not have to pay for me at all that is way too much to ask for plus I do not know you" and he responded with a "because I wanted to pay for a nice pretty girl like you I also noticed you havent tried  your drink why is that"

and I thought of a lie

" I didn't feel like it"
" you shouldnt lie what do you think I poisoned it?"

and I truthfully nodded my head yes and he laughed then I told him I would be leaving now

"hold on may I please have your number?" and I stared in shock a beautiful man like him is actually trying to get my number at 12 midnight I couldn't believe it . I gave him my number and he walked me out to my car then before I pulled away I put my window down to thank him and he leaned in for what I thought would be a kiss but it was a quick hug in between the window of the car then he said "get home safely " and I said the same to him while pulling off only to see him getting in a all black jeep but he got in the passenger Side instead of the drivers side I wonder who he was driving with because this entire time I had only seen him. once I reached home I put comfy clothes on and went to bed again not before receiving a text saying "goodnight my love" and I assumed it was the man from tonight who I gave my number to and fell asleep.

the next morning my mom woke me up because I had to go register in my new school even though it was march and I would be graduating this year. I woke up and just watched tv as I ate breakfast and put on a simple outfit, I decided to walk around the neighborhood until my mom was ready to leave, so I threw on uggs and walked outside. everyone seemed nice I did notice a lot of teenagers my age
also thought about if I would make friends at all in this new place.
I walked into Starbucks and ordered a latte and sat down while this girl walked in and she was pretty she inhaled a scent and turned towards me and I waved to her not wanting to be rude. she said "hi" and sat next to me. she sat down and we chatted she was my first friend I made down here which I was glad because I was beginning to think that I wouldn't fit in here . She asked wat school I would be attending and I said charter high she said she goes there too, I told her I would be going there with my mom later to register.

I said "yea I'll see you tomorrow"

then put my number in her phone because she insisted to show me around

"here's my address if you wanna walk to school together" she said

"ok yea sure I will text you" and she smiled and waved and watched me walk out and I made my way back home so I could leave with my mom.

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