He's creepy

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~baby i got love for thee , so deep inside of me i dont know what to say, yea yea yea yea yea, i love you more than anything but the words cant even touch whats in my heart,~

Ariana Grande😍☺️🎀


I turned my alarm off and got up for school.

I got ready and went downstairs and ate a smore poptart. Then left

as i was walking it was so quiet in this town which i find strange. I got to school and everyone was standing out side or by their cars or eating breakfast

so i just went inside and explored before the bell rang.

when the bell finally rang i went into the main office and waited to speak to the lady she was talking to a guy, a cute boy actually. From the back view i could tell he had messy hair ,

then someone else opened the door and my hair flew by my face and then the guy turned around, i guess he smelled my hair when the door opened . Which is weird.

He looked at me and just kept staring. to say mike is weird ...no this extremely creepy😳 so i walked past him with his eyes still on me and i asked the lady for my schedule and she told me to hold on a minute , so i stood there and mike just kept staring silently like he was thinking of a lot of things

then finally the lady came back. (Thank god) and gave me my papers and i took them in a rush to leave just when i was about to leave some one grabbed me and i turned around to see mike

Me:ummm, hi

He didnt respond

Me: are u gonna speak?

Him: oh sorry im just admiring you

Me: ughhh , thanks i guess

Me: why did u grab me?

Him: u dropped one of your papers

Me: thank you( taking it out of his hands)

Him: welcome

Started to walk away when i heard him mumble 'mine' but i dont think he is talking to me so i kept walking to class and saw the girl i met at starbucks the other day

she looked up and smiled at me and told me to come sit next to her. She told me about the school and that she had brothers and sisters and how i would meet them someday.

The bell rang and we walked together until i seen mike again and he was staring AGAIN

and he's way to old to be attending this school so why was he really here....

Mike called us over and we went he talked to my friend/ his sister and i found out her name was Cassie which is cute.

cassie: do you think my brother is cute?

Me: yea I guess but he creeps me out

Cassie: yea he can be a bit aggressive or protective of whats his

Me: what do you mean his? Im not his i dont belong to him

cassie: (mumbles something) well he likes you and once he likes something he kinda doesnt leave it alone

Me: well i dont like him, so he has bigger issues to deal with now because he's sweet and all but he looks way to serious

The door closes, " well i guess mike is here" she said then we just listened to Ariana Grande and singed to her 'Yours Truly' album and her mother called her down

so she told me she would be back. I layed on her bed and sang 'piano' then heard the door open and i said

"cassie if your trying to scare me it wont work "

i said as i turned around and seen it was mike.

What are you doing in here ?

I asked he said that this is his sisters room he is allowed in here

"then ill just go downstairs"

, he said no and grabbed me back and said "sit."

A little too demanding for me . " you cant leave me your mines i like you a lot and i dont like sharing a lot "

" well i dont think so and i dont belong to anybody " and walked away before he could grab me again i ran downstairs and told cassie i would see her later she gave me a questioning look and said ok. I ran home and drank some juice and layed down thinking this was a very long day of school.

I'm still curious as to why mike was there in my school

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