Chapter 21 *THE NIKKAH*

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How? How come I am here? When did this all start? I ponder as I lie on the sofa, the night before the Nikkah.

This all started the night I saw the green eyes in my dream. I met Azar the next day in the cafeteria, unaware of how he was to be another man to destroy me. Angel... how unusual it was that the two called me angel.

I stare at the ceiling, and my heart feels heavy as if it is too tired to beat, my breathing uneven.

I can never forget the day I escaped him; never. I remember every detail, how the floor was slippery due to blood. How my shoes squeaked as I ran across the hallway. How my vision kept blurring, but I didn't stop. How I could hear his footsteps, loud and quick, nearing me as he shouted for me. "Angel! My angel! Abeer!"

I close my eyes, and my heart starts pounding as the memories come to me uninvited. I push them away and fight back even though I feel weak. "Allah..." I say, my voice shaking.

Think about something else, Abeer. Azar's face flashes in my mind. I can't forget his questioning eyes when he said please as he offered me the rose.

How can someone be so good at acting? Maybe he is confused himself. Maybe he is rude towards me only and no one else. Maybe he has a bad intuition about me, and that's why he hates me so much. Why is he ruining his own life by marrying me? Why is he doing this to himself? What is he gaining from his Nikkah?

Abeer, some people are just plain cruel and arrogant. They don't need a reason to hate. They don't need a reason to justify their actions. It's just who they are.

"Run away as far as you can, angel. I'll be waiting there," I hear his harsh, mocking voice.

When will I be free?

"Never..." He is standing in the darkest corner of the room, moonlight from the window reflecting on his knife's blade. "I'm here all the time, and I will be..." Beads of sweat appear on my forehead, and my voice gets caught up in my throat. I can't take my eyes off him. Allah... "...till death do us part."

He comes closer and raises his knife. "You are terrible at hide and seek, angel."

Maliha's alarm for Fajr goes off, but he stays. He turns to look at Maliha, and she looks at me. "Abeer, you are still awake?"

"She can't see me, angel," he laughs, throwing his head back. "No one can. No one is watching."

"Abeer...?" Maliha calls out, but I don't move. I can't look away from him as he continues laughing like a maniac.

Maliha gets out of bed and checks my forehead, and I flinch away. "Oh my Allah! Abeer, you are burning." I don't know how I manage to get up, but as soon as I am on my feet, I hug Maliha tightly and shut my eyes. "Abeer, are you okay? Did something happen?"

I don't reply, but I pull away. He is gone, but not for long. Maliha goes and switches on the light. "You need to take some medicine. I'll ask Mom."

"Maliha, I'm fine," my voice barely comes out. "I'm just tired. Don't worry, I'll ask Mom myself."

"Okay, if you say so."

I head outside, and I'm glad to see everyone awake. I say my Salaams to Aunty Yasmin and Aunty Sajdah and head to Mom's room. I knock and enter, and I see Mom folding the prayer mat and keeping it away.

"Assalamualikum, Abeer, how are you?" She asks, excitement throbbing in her voice.

"Walaikumusalam. Mom, uh, I think I have a fever. Can I have a thermometer?" I ask her as casually as possible.

"My Allah," she exclaims and checks my forehead. "You definitely have a fever," she says anxiously, and then takes out the thermometer from the drawer.

The thermometer confirms our suspicions. Maybe this also explains why I was having so detailed hallucinations. Mom gives me some meds and is worried sick. I assure her and also make her promise not to tell anyone since I don't want everyone to worry unnecessarily.

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