<2p England X Reader> Cupcakes

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A giggle. That's the first thing you heard. Yet you saw nothing.
You were in an old, seemingly abandoned house. It was obviously not abandoned. There was someone else in the house. Who? That you didn't know... yet.
"What brings you here, love?" A heavily accented, most likely British, voice inquired from the darkness around you. "Who are you?" You ask, looking around you. You try and find a light switch, but you can't see much of anything.
"Who am I? Why, you know me already, love~" The voice replied with a dark chuckle. You roll your eyes before you get a chance to hear his reply.
"I am Oliver Kirkland, love~"
This made you freeze. The Oliver Kirkland was here, of all places? And bothering with you of all people? I mean, you're pretty and all, but you're not that popular. You were just a regular girl raised on the countryside. So why did he choose you as his next target?
Then it hit you. Was it because you weren't popular? It would make it a lot easier to make you the target because not many people would notice until several days later.
He giggled again. "Your terror is so cute~ You really should be terrified more often!~" Oliver said, and you didn't know what to say. How does one react to that?
Suddenly, you could see bright blue eyes in front of you, gazing into your own (e/c) eyes. "Hm... you really are cute~" You then felt warm lips against your own, those bright blue eyes gone. Your own eyes widened, a blush you didn't know existed growing. Although slowly, you closed your eyes and melted into the kiss.

Hours later, you woke back up. You were in your bed, a tray of cupcakes beside you. There was a note. You picked it up, opening and reading it.

Hello, Cupcake!~ You look so adorable when you sleep... I should stop by more often!
Anyway, we should get together again sometime! I'll show you how to make my favorite treat, that of which I gave you and that is your nickname! Until then, Cupcake!
♥~Oliver Kirkland

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