♣Romano X Reader♣ Roman Candles

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Alfred had decided to throw a party on his birthday and invited all the countries. There would be swimming, fireworks, and, of course, free food.
And every country came. Feliciano, Yao, Arthur, even Lovino was there. Lovino was there because Antonio went; wherever Antonio is, Lovino is, and vice versa.
Some people willingly decided to get in their swimsuits, some had to be coaxed out of the bathroom. So many attractive boys around you, but one caught your eye more. Who was it? No one else than Lovino Vargas.
You had had feelings for the Italian for quite some time now. Ever since you met him. You loved everything about him, from his stubborn personality to his unnaturally good looks.
"C'mon, (Y/N), dudette! Jump in!" A certain American called to you. "But it's cold!" You reply, trying to find an excuse for not swimming. You honestly wanted to relax in the warm sunlight. "Kiku's in, even Heracles (Hercules?)!" Alfred replied. "Come on in, aru!" Yao said, sitting on the edge of the pool. "You're not even in, Yao!" Antonio said, pulling the Chinese man in the pool. In return, the Spaniard had Chinese spoken to him very angrily and frustratedly. Lovino chuckled and rolled his eyes, watching from the side of the pool. An idea popped in your head, making you grin.
You came up behind the Italian, pushing him in and laughing as a string of Italian poured from his mouth. The whole night was like that, you two constantly pushing and pulling each other and other people in the pool.
"Firework time!" Alfred called and everyone rushed to get some. You ended up with some Roman Candles, which you absolutely loved. They were so pretty.
"Roman Candles? I bet-a they're not-a from-a Rome." Lovino said, crossing his arms as he stared at the fireworks. "I don't know... but they're fun! Here, have one." You say and hand him one. "So... how do they work, bella?" He asked. "Easy!" You then showed him, both of you watching the lights launched from the Roman candle. A soft kiss was planted on your cheek, in the cover of darkness, before Lovino's candle went off.
The rest of the night was like a daze. You and Lovi were up on the roof, cuddling as you two watched the fireworks. He then pulled you into a gentle kiss, one which you enjoyed. "Ti amo, (Y/N)..." He said, earning a confused look from you. He laughed. "I love-a you in my-a native language, idiota." He translated, and the rest of the night was spent cuddling.

Bella = Beautiful
Ti amo = I love you
Idiota = Dumbass

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