My Birthday

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It was sunday night my (wils)birthday the best day ever.

The next day I woke up at 5am that meant i had 3&1/2 hours before school I ran to my dad's bedroom. Luckily they were still asleep so I walked back to my room and "hiyaya!" I shouted running down the corridor and jumped on them " MY BIRTHDAY!!!! . MY BIRTHDAY!!!!" They were screaming for days my dad always uses that for an expression. "Let's go lets go" I screamed.

They whispered " keep it down. just go put the kettle on."

"It's my birthday though you should put the kettle on for me."

So we headed down stairs my dad gave me a quick present; from him.

It was 10 scratch cards I said "what the HELL do I need these for!!!!!!"

My dad gave me a smack round the face and said "be more respectful"

The first one nothing. The second nothing and the same for another 7 of them it was the last one I needed 3 presents that meant unlimited money till the end of the year which was 9 months away.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Once again my dad gave me a smack round the face.

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