Important updates

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Update 1) I've been having trouble writing what will happen in telling part 2. Mainly as I'm not sure how Garte and Zianna should react. I know I want Garte's reaction to be bad and the opposite for Zianna but I'm not sure what it should be so if you could help me with that, that would be appreciated.

Update 2) in wanting to start a new book but I have a few ideas and I'm not sure which one I should do.

The options-
-Another Gaurence
-Yaoi one shots (from MCD and some anime's)
-A goosebumps fanfiction (not what I usually do but my friend irl Isla wanted me to)
-Random rants (again not what I usually do but I need to rant things)

Update 3: Reminder the voting for my 1k special chapter ends next Wednesday. So put the votes out :)

That is all and I hope you don't need to wait to long for the next chapter

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