Chapter 22

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Author Note: i know what the people say in this story they wouldn't say in the TV series but just bear with me.

Later that Day 

Emma POV: 

Great my mum and dad have been taken ah well they didn't want us to kidnap Scarlet and her daughter or son whatever one it is, right now me and Neal are camping then when its morning we are going to pan's camp hopefully they haven't moved it, i wasn't all bad i just wanted my daughter to grow up in Storybrooke meet a guy, marry and have kids not with a demon if there's one thing i know about my daughter is that no one knows her better than i do.(Lies)

"Emma i found it i found the camp"Neal said as he ran out of the bushes, i stood up as he walked over to me 

"Well what are we waiting for if we attack now they won't even know we are coming and we can take my daughter and her baby back to Storybrooke and force the potion down her throat to forget all about Pan."I said to him 

"Yeah let's go while we still have the element of surprise on our hands just be careful if anyone sees us they will alert Pan and Scarlet"Neal said as we both walked to Pan's camp 

We are coming for you Scarlet and your child 

At the Camp

Regina POV:

When i saw Henry walking out of Pan and Scarlet tent i figured that Scarlet and Pan are sleeping, i was about to walk over to Henry when i was stopped by the pirate what could he possible want right now i mean he is attractive wait what am i saying he's Scarlet father and he slept with Emma Swan.

"Can i help you Pirate"i said to him as he just smiled at me

"Why yes you can i just wanna say you are one sexy lady evil queen"He said to me 

wow did he just call me a sexy lady okay great the Pirate is falling for me and i'm falling for him what do i do i mean i haven't been with anyone since Daniel screw it i'm going for it and see where this leads us.

"Did you want something Pirate"I said to him god i don't think i want to know the answer to this

"Um yes"he said to me

"Well split it out Pir..." i was interrupted by lips placed on mine then i realized it was Killian's lips that were on mine.

I heard people gasping and the sound of an zip opening crap Scarlet and Peter have saw us, we both pulled away as we heard them.

"Mum Dad what are you doing"i Heard my daughter say as she walked over to us along with Henry

"i'm in love with your Mother Scarlet love"Killian says to them i'm pretty sure they know that Pirate

"I can see that Father well as long as your both happy i'm happy"Scarlet said as she walked back over to Pan and hugs into his side as he puts his arms around her cuddling her from the side

i sensed something, Emma is here at the camp, i know Mr.Gold sensed it as well since he stood up and walked over to Pan and Scarlet as did i standing in front of them looking at the bushes around the camp.

"Pan get Scarlet in the tent right now and put a protecting spell on it so no one can enter it apart from you we have company"Mr.Gold said to them

Peter POV:

The minute i heard what my father said i picked Scarlet up bride style and walked into the tent with her and put her down on the bed then walking over to our daughter and i kissed her on her forehead, then walked over to the tent opening looking back at Scarlet who had a fearful and Scared look on her face.

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