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I woke up in a cold sweat, gasping for breath. That dream again. I had it almost every single night. It was really more like a flashback. When I woke up I could almost feel his hands all over me, feel the cold chains binding my wrists, feel the breaking of my bones and of my soul as he tortured me day after day.

"Pssst....Y/N....are you okay?" The whisper came from the blue haired girl I shared a room with and now called my best friend, Saiko Yonebayashi.

"Yeah, Saiko, I'm okay. I just had the dream again."

I heard her snoring again and knew she was no longer listening, had gone right back to sleep after she checked up on me, almost like a reflex.

I tried desperately to go back to sleep for the remaining hour before my alarm was set to go off, but to no avail.

I spent most of every day thinking about him- no, not my captor, Ikeda Kunio. It's bad enough I spent nights dreaming of him. My days were spent thinking of Suzuya Juuzou. Wondering what happened to him after I was captured. Wondering whether he was dead or alive. I didn't blame him for not being able to find me after I was captured. Ikeda had taken me to Fukuoka, a city over twelve hours outside of Tokyo, with the intention of making it impossible to find me had anyone looked.

"Y/N!" Are you listening?"

I spaced out again, shit.

"Uh, sorry Sasaki-san. What were you saying?" You looked up at your boss, who was scrambling up eggs for breakfast.

"I was saying that we have a meeting today at 9a.m. Please don't space out like that in the meeting." He softened his words with a smile.

"O-oh. I won't, I promise." I knew I could promise no such thing, but I could try.

"Can you go tell the others that breakfast is ready?"

Getting Saiko out of bed is going to be a challenge...Shirazu was always the best at waking her up.

I felt the hole in my chest threaten to reopen at the thought of my deceased friend. I hadn't been a part of the Quinx squad long when Shirazu died but it still affected me.

"Saiko, Urie, Mutsuki! Breakfast!" I called out as I walked up the stairs. Mutsuki emerged almost instantly from his room.

"Good morning Y/N," he said, his quiet voice cheerful.

Urie was next to come out of his room, grunting at me, which I assumed was his way of saying good morning.

I smiled at the two boys and then pushed open the door to the room I shared with Saiko.

"Saiko!!!" I hollered, jumping on to her bed. Her blue eyes opened blearily, and she tried to roll over onto her other side and go back to sleep. I grabbed her shoulders and sat her up.

"Time to get up! There's a meeting at 9!" Sasaki's going to be mad if you don't get up." This wasn't true, Sasaki almost never got mad at us, but Saiko's eyes were wide open now and she was crawling out of bed.

Mission accomplished.


"Okay Q's, we have a new group of ghouls we're going after. They appeared in Kyoto and seem to have settled there, and the CCG forces over there aren't strong enough to take them on."

Sasaki shuffled his paperwork. "They call themselves 'Akui'. We don't know how many of them there are altogether, but so far they've been focused on killing off-duty CCG investigators and policemen. Attacking when they least expect it. This group definitely has a vendetta against any type of law enforcement. Why, we don't know."

"So we're going to go all the way to Kyoto for this?" Urie asked, his tone irritated.

"Yes, they asked us specifically since Tokyo has the largest and strongest CCG task force in Japan."

That's going to be a long car ride...

"This group wears pure black masks, and wear black robes with no markings of any kind on them. They're very dangerous, especially to us since we're investigators. We must always keep our guards up over there even when we're off duty, though things will be a little easier for us because we always have our kagune, were never technically off duty." Sasaki smiled a little at us as he said this.

I looked around at the others. Urie looked irritated, Mutsuki looked nervous, and Saiko's eyes were half closed. Just a normal day with the squad. I chuckled to myself.

"So when are we leaving, Sasaki-san?"

"That's the thing... If possible, the Kyoto CCG would like us to be there tomorrow. The death count just keeps going up- it's at 200 so far."

I heard Mutsuki gasp. The old me would've had the same reaction. I knew that was a lot of people dead, but nothing really shocked me anymore after my time with Ikeda. I now knew just how vicious and sadistic ghouls could be.

"So start packing tonight, Q's. It's about a five hour drive, we'll be leaving at 10 a.m. tomorrow.

Worlds Away {Ghoul! Suzuya Juuzou x female reader}Where stories live. Discover now