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I would like to say that this story starts with once upon a time and is all unicorns and rainbows and fairy princess and all of those things, but it is not. If you don't like stories that will make you want to laugh, or cry, or even punch a wall, then don't read. If you don't like crazy weirdos *cough* Ali *cough*, strange people *Cough* Kanade *cough, or intelligent, beautiful, amazing, talented, selfless, and brave people like me, then don't read and yes Ali, you are a crazy weirdo. If you don't like it, don't read it, Ali. Ali. ALI. Give Back My Sword! Evil girl.

Anyways, the story begins about fourteen years ago.

Unknown POV

In the Great Woods, there was only on house. It was not small nor big, but it was homey. By midnight, three couples and a woman had walked into the house.

The woman pushed down the hood of her cloak to reveal the feature of someone who is not a yet considered an elder. She walked down the poorly lit hallway and straight to the dining room.

Six proud parents stood with their beautiful baby girls.

"Zae-Chan! I didn't know hat you were coming," said Heidi. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see how you all of you were," I said.

"Now that you are here. . . " started Heidi.

"Will you be our daughter's godmother?" all of them asked at the same time.

"Of course," I said, smiling. "What our their names?" I asked.

"Kanade," answered Misaka and Kyouske. Misaka held up Kanade. She had a pale tan, yellow hair that was like fire, and golden eyes that constenly changed hues. A sun was on her forehead and the fire clan's symbol on her tummy. Just then, Kanade started throwing a tantrum. Apparently, she has a bad temper.

"Haitey," Heidi cooed. The baby was tiny. Black curls sat upon her head. Her skin was a light brown. Haitey's eyes were brown with green and gold flecks. She looked at me with intelligent, peaceful eyes. The sympol for love was on her cheek in green and gold.

"Ali Seishi Hyuuga," proudly said Akaoni. Kuro Chi smiled at his wife and daughter. Ali had short blue and silver hair. Her eyes were strange: half blue and half silver. They were weird, even on demon standerds.

"She is the cursed one, isn't she?" I asked Kuro quietly.

"Yes, but we will never kill her," he answered.

Everything went down hill. Humans brush threw the door and-

I was waken from my memory. I started at the portrait of all seven of us together. Kuro Chi, Akaoni, and Misaka were dead and Kyouske was in a coma. I sighed. The girls were stronger now, but they still had not realized their destiny or abilities. I laughed silently to myself.

Since that night, everything changed. One has no compassion or feeling and a cold heart. One has a bad temper and is somewhat self centered. The last one was clueless, but smart and peaceful, yet dangerous. All of them were dangerous, Ali the most.

I sighed. The three of them wi soon relize their destinies.

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