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Haitey's POV

I jabbed at him with my sword and he blocked. I uncrossed our swords and took a step back. We circled each other. He lunged. I blocked and disarmed him. With a clatter, his sword was on the ground and my sword was pointing at his unprotected chest.

"Give me the treasure and I will spare your life," I said.

"Fine," he said in defeat. "Here you go." He held out the strawberries and I snached them away.

"Thank you Daniel," I said. I bit into the sweet fruit just to tead him. "These are super good," I taunted.

Denny glared at the ground. I rolled my eyes.

"Did you really think that I would eat all of the strawberries by myself?" I sat down at the base of the great oak tree and patted the dirt next to me. "Sit down." My best friend did. I held out some strawberries and he looked at me strangely. He slowly reached for them and took them then he smiled.

"Thank Haitey," Danny said cheerfully and we ate the strawberries together.

I sighed in my mind. I was in love with Danny. I loved his perfect smile and medium brown wavy hair. His eyes, oh his eyes. I could stare at them all day. The chocolate irises that held happiness and joy and love and perfection. . .

"Haitey, are you alright?" asked Danny.

I snapped out of my daydream. "Yes, of course."

"Okay. You were staring of into space," he said.

I laughed dryly. "That's impossible." Unless you had a telescope or demon eyes.

Danny stood up and brushed himself off then held his hand out to me.

"It's getting late. I'll walk you home." I took his hand and he pulled me up.

Along the way home, Daniel told me corny jokes and in turn I told him about different ideas I had for novels that I would want to write if it was allowed.

All to soon we were standing in front of my front door.

"Bye Haitey Green." Danny hugged me briefly.

"Bye Danny Zednem," I said. I then walked into my house and closed and locked the door behind me.

My heart was beating fast from Danny's hug. I was so in love. At the time I didn't know that I would not see him again for a very, very long time.

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