Chapter 2 The fence

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I walk deeper and deeper in to the forest. I go in here often and know the way around like the back of my hand. I keep going until I'm in the centre of the forest and all I can see around me are trees.

I climb the top of the tree closest to me. It's slightly taller than the rest so I can see clearly all the way around me. I sit down in the topmost branches and look around. I can see all the way back to the Amity compound from up here.

That's another reason I'd be good in Dauntless, heights don't scare me. A lot of the Amity people just skim the lower most branches But I always climb to the top.

I glance over in the fences direction. Its not very tall or particularly sturdy either just a normal chain link fence. I can see all the way to the old a banded train tracks as well.

I don't really know why they started the fractions just that there was some kind of war. Bla Bla Bla. Then everyone decided to split in to fractions against whatever they thought the war started for. So Candor blames lies, Dauntless blames coward-ness and so on. I think it's weird though that whoever came up with fractions built a fence around them. What's wrong with just letting people go anywhere if its within the fraction the belong in.

I pluck an apple from the branch below me and laugh trying to imagine Lillian climbing this high. She'd freak out after getting half way up.

I sit there for a bit just listening. I love the sounds of the birds chirping and the trees swaying in the wind.

Until I hear voices.

I never hear voices out here. I'm always alone. But there they are. Plain as day.

I climb from tree to tree until I'm almost directly over top of them.

Their on the other side of the fence.

That can't be right.

They look about my age. They must know not to go over the fence.

I glance at their clothes, the boy is dressed in all black so it looks like he's from Dauntless.

But the girl's wearing and blue top and grey skirt, so she could be Erudite or Abnegation. Her long black hair is in a fish tail plait down her back.

Then the girl spoke "See I told you there was nothing here. There's only forest."

My mind whirled maybe they jumped the fence to see what's over the other side?

"No there must be something here or else it wouldn't be fenced off" the boy replied

That makes sense maybe they'll go back to whatever fractions they came from now and I can forget this whole thing.

The girl speaks again "I don't know...... maybe its to keep rabid animals or something in."

Rabid animals? That can't be right.

"Rabid animals, Really?" the boy answered "you can't really think that."

The girl huffed "well why do you think it's there for then?"

"Dunno, Maybe it's a type of jail."

A jail????

"Well it wouldn't be so secretive if its just a jail."

The boy didn't say anything.

I didn't really realise I made a decision to jump out of the tree until I landed daintily in front of them. So I didn't really have anything to say, so I just said the first thing that came into my head.

"You shouldn't be on that side of the fence." I say "There's nothing over there and nothing good comes from being on that side. I heard that someone from Dauntless got shot for being on that side and you look like your from Dauntless." I look at the boy then the girl "I can't decide if your from Erudite or Abnegation either way you'd probably get sent to live with the fractionless." I know I'm babbling but I can't seem to stop. "Imagine getting sent to live with the fractionless and you haven't even had you aptitude test done yet!" I can't think of anything else to say so I stay quite.

The boy and girl stay quite for such a long time I almost left. But then a huge grin spread over the boys' face

"Ha! I told you there was something on the other side of the fence!"

"Yes you said a jail and she," the girl pointed at me "doesn't look like she's from a jail cell"

I raised my hand like I was in school. "First I am not from a jail, whatever that is, and second you are on the other side of the fence and third I suggest you go back to whatever fraction you came from before someone realises your missing."

The boy looks at me again "Were you spying on us?"

I feel sheepish like I just got caught passing notes in class and look at my boots.


"What were you doing that for?" he asks

"I wanted to see what fraction you were from and why you were on that side of the fence."

"Well we live on this side of the fence and what are fractions?" the girl asks

I stare at her "seriously?" but she looks genuinely curious so I answered her.

"Well there's five fractions called Dauntless, Erudite, Candor Abnegation and Amity that's what I'm in. Each fraction has something to stand for Amity's peaceful, Dauntless is brave, Candor is honest, Erudite is intellect and Abnegation is selfless. You live in whatever fraction your born in until your sixteen. Every year there's a test every sixteen year old takes called a aptitude test where it says where you'll be best suited. Then the next day you say what fraction you will go to and you stay there for the rest of your life unless you fail intuition then you go live with the fractionless. How do you not know that?"

I wait for them to reply but when they don't I speak again

"Oh yeah and I'm Layla what's your names?" I almost put out my hand but then remembered there was a fence in between us.

The girl seems happy having a question that she can answer and grins.

"I'm Annabel and this is Jace."

"Well Annabel you can't expect me to believe you have lived on that side of the fence all this time and no one has seen you."

"Well you can't expect us to believe there's five towns, fractions whatever over this fence and nobody on this side knows about it."

I laugh "True"

I hear a voice coming out of Jaces' pocket and jump. I can't make out what its saying its too fuzzy.

"That's the alarm." Jace says "we better get going."

"Yeah, See you later Layla."

Before I can reply their both running away along the rail road.

Well that was strange.

"Bye?" I call out after their retreating backs.

"Layla?" I hear Felix's and Lillian's voices "Who are you talking to?"

I don't know why but I feel like it would be bad if either of them found out about the boy and girl. So I turn and run into the trees to find them.

YAY I finished chapter 2!! I've had 3 reads YAY! I know its not much but its still exciting :-)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2013 ⏰

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