Chapter 2

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A/N: So here is Chapter two. I apologize that this isn't as grammatically correct but I still hope you enjoy this part. Can't wait to hear from you guys.

Spells/Attacks : Italics

Dreams/Vision: Bold

Previous Parts: Both

Pluto could play no more for it would ruin the fabric of time, and they had heard enough. No matter how long Usagi would be queen there is no way that the scouts would see her as the leader she truly is. "If only there was a way to stop this...." Usagi muttered as she sat in her mother's throne, contemplation filling her eyes as she tried to find a solution...

"Princess Serenity...."

Usagi turned around and gasped in awe as she saw two beautiful spirits standing in front of her, the two smiling kindly at her as they glided towards her. One reminded Usagi much of her late mother and herself for she had almost silver blonde hair in a similar style with four buns in her hair before the rest fell loosely, crystal blue eyes that were almost as silver as the moon and was garbed with a white and pale yellow gown with a moon sceptre in her hand. Usagi then turned her gaze to the other, more exotic beauty. She was equally as beautiful as her friend as she stood there in her green dress, her emerald green eyes standing out on her dark skin as her curly chocolate brown hair fell in waves to her shoulders. Everyone couldn't help but feel comfortable and maybe a bit inferior standing in front of these otherworldly spirits. "Yes? Who are you?" Usagi asked as she stood her ground, unable to tear her gaze away from her. The two spirits bowed in front of her, causing everyone to stare at them in shock. "Princess Serenity allow us introduce ourselves. I am Selene, the founder and guardian of the Moon Kingdom." The extremely pale one said causing the outer senshi to bow in respect, remembering the guardian Selene as the grandmother of Princess Serenity. The other one came forward and curtsied, a gentle smile on her lips. "I am Gaia your grace. I am the founder and guardian of the Earth kingdom. I am please to stand in your present my lady." She said with a motherly look. Usagi smile as she nodded in thanks. "Please rise Selene and Gaia. You are known for being respectful and have protected us well. But I must ask you, why have you appeared after so long?" Serenity asked, curiosity shining in her eyes.

Selene only smiled as she and Gaia shared a look before looking at the dear princess once again. "Well my dear Serenity, we are here since we have heard of your predicament." Selene said causing Usagi to smile sadly. "I am one going to apologize for Endymions' horrid behavior. I for one wish I could smack some sense into him. Unfortunately I have no say in his actions." Gaia stated sadly, placing a hand on Usagi's shoulder. Usagi nodded in understanding before turning to Selene. "Well now we have been risen to help you on your conquest. We will help you and those who remain loyal to you to discover their true powers and release Sailor Cosmos and the Zodiac Senshi." Selene said as the Senshi stared at her in shock. "Wait, who are the Zodiac Senshi and Sailor Cosmos?" Haruka asked as she stepped forward, the spirits looking at her with smiles. "Ah yes, Princess Uranus. You always were curious about other Senshi. We will tell you." Selene said causing Haruka to blush as Michiru giggled, grabbing her lover's hand before they turned towards the two Guardians. "A long time ago, when it was the guardians on the throne and your parents were merely teenagers, Serenity had once been the Senshi of the Moon." Gaia said as she showed them a painting of Queen Serenity fighting alongside a group of Senshi. They all felt their eyes widen in shock as they saw their once peaceful queen wearing her own fuku. "Serenity-mama was a Senshi?" Usagi said in awe, staring up at the determined look on her mother's face as she fought.

Selene smiled as she placed her hand on her granddaughter's shoulder, her eyes shimmering with happiness as she stare at her daughter. "Yes, Serenity was one of the best of Senshis of the kingdom. I had given birth to Serenity at an old age since I was told I wasn't capable of producing children. She was my little miracle and I wasn't going to allow my only daughter to be defenseless. So I trained her to be a Senshi and she had created her own group of Senshi called the Zodiac Senshi. They were the eldest sisters of your Senshi Serenity. During their time the group had fought together and had brought peace to the universe. When Serenity had had you, the young mother she was, she had given up her leadership role to her second in command. She had then taken my place on the throne as I helped her take care of you while the Zodiac Senshi had protected you all with diligence." Selene said as she lead them away from the mural. Gaia then stepped forward with a sad look in her eyes. "Unfortunately they had passed away during the first war. Then their powers were sealed into their statues where they still remain until the time will come." Gaia said as she turned to them as tears of sadness fell down Usagi's face, upset about how the Zodiac Senshi had risked their lives to save her family. She wiped away her tears before raising her head, a determined look in her eyes. "What do I need to do?" Usagi said determinedly as she stared into their eyes, causing a pleased smile to appear on the Guardian's' face.

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