When You Win a Contest (Sans & Flowey)

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For the wonderful contest winners from Ao3 and Quotev~


Sans . . . for Valkrie Smiles and Gingler

A grin came upon your face, heart racing as your hand gripped the mouse. Glancing over the list of winners, you had to read and read again to make sure what you were seeing was real. There was your name, typed in small, blue font. The size of it couldn't seem to match the amount of happiness you felt. Scooting back in your chair, the legs squealed against the hardwood, but you didn't mind. Standing up and spinning around, you came face to skull with your favorite skeleton.

"Sans!" The width of your smiles were matching and you grabbed his coat's shoulders, shaking him lightly. His white pupils crossed and his grin faltered, hands outstretching for some stability. You quickly stopped the jerking and set him free, waiting for his wits to return. Once he stared up at you again, you giggled. "I won!" The roughness of your excitement came present once more as you threw yourself at him for a hug. He stumbled back a bit, but you heard his light chuckles as you squeezed the soul straight out of him.

"Good job." His tone was deep, and you wondered if you were squeezing just a little too hard. "Now, uh... What exactly did you win?"

You pulled back, staring into his sockets as your cheeks grew sore. "There was a fanart contest, and I put in a few entries and huzzah!" You covered your mouth with the back of your palm as you laughed. "I came out to be one of the winners!" He nodded his head in acknowledgement, then his pupils shifted side to side. It seemed he didn't know what to say. "Sans?"

His gaze returned to you and his cheekbones twitched, teeth grinding. "I knew you could do it, kid." By the look on his face, it seemed that wasn't the only thing he wanted to get out. Crossing your arms, you decided to wait. As the seconds ticked by and your clock followed them religiously in the background, sweat drops formed on his forehead and he increasingly became more stiff.

Your eyebrows raised in expectance. "So?"

He took a deep breath you weren't sure he actually needed, then suddenly his skeletal fingers were wrapped in the collar of your shirt. He tugged you down as gently as he could while still being quick. You blinked, spine slightly arched as your brows knitted together. You laughed away the awkwardness of your position, grasping one of his wrists.

He was managing to close his sockets with his oddly flexible skull, and you didn't quite understand why until his face was pressed against yours. With closed lips you managed to laugh before pressing them against his teeth, you, too, letting your eyelids slid shut. With both pairs of your fingers around his arms, you never wanted to lean away. But, alas, humans need oxygen and you were 100% mortal.

As you leaned back and straightened yourself and the blouse you happened to be wearing, you observed him with a sweet smile. He beamed back up at you before rubbing the back of his vertebrae, glancing towards a wall.
"Happy to hear that you won," he stated, and you giggled in response.

Placing a hand against the side of his face, you leaned down and rested your forehead against his. "And you gave me a better reward than the hostess ever could."


Flowey . . . for Zero Zmoon and Anna

You laughed in glee, throwing your hands in the air as you stared down at the laptop on the coffee table. You couldn't believe your username was on the list, named along with all the other amazing artists you had kept track of. Clasping your hands, you struggled to maintain any squealing as Flowey peered around the edge of your laptop. You let him stretch from his yellow pot, beady eyes curiously gazing over the screen. Eventually, you scooted him closer so he could read, not that he would recognize anything. Thus, you pointed at the screen with your index finger, indicating towards your username that was highlighted in blue.

"That's me, right there."

He seemed rather confused. "You're a winner? To what?"

Smiling, you scrolled up a bit and clicked on a link to a piece of your artwork. "I entered a few pieces of art to a contest, and I came out as a winner!" Giggling, you tried to mask your overwhelming excitement with a hand.

He twisted to face your, browline scrunched. Obviously he was still missing something. "Why are you so happy when all you get is recognition?" You blink, his sudden negativity seeping in.

"Oh no, I get a personalized short story out of it, written by the hostess of the contest! Plus, I mean, it feels nice to be recognized once in a while." He still seemed unwilling to comply with your opinion, leaves swaying in agitation. "Why? Do you - Do you think I don't deserve it?" A hurt expression spread across your features and he suddenly looked shocked.

"Huh? No!" Vines sprouted from the dirt and instantly reached for you, wrapping around your arms in his own type of hug. "No, I..." His eyes moved downward and you instantly knew he was going to say something sweet, something out of the ordinary. "I want to make sure you get what you deserve."

You began laughing, gently grasping his pistil in both your hands, fingers weaving between his petals. Your eyes brushed across his face, noting his curious expression, his mouth slightly open. You couldn't help the smile that returned to your face as you gazed at him, thumbs running across the insides of his petals. In peace, you watched his eyes close, causing love to swell in your heart.

You could feel the said muscle beating heavily in your chest as you leaned down and placed a small peck above his eyes, nose rubbing softly against his face. When you pulled away, you could see a small grin on the line of his mouth, something that happened very rarely. Grinning, you continued to hold him, forgetting the laptop.

"You forget that everything I deserve is already right in front of me."

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