Chapter 5

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~Your P.O.V~

You were lying down next to Dan as you two were scrolling through Tumblr, you gave your flash drive to Phil so he could re-organize everything because he's been doing that. You were slowly falling asleep leaning on Dan slightly, it was about 4pm and you didn't get a lot of sleep last night. "Food is ready!!" Phil yelled waking you up as you set your laptop aside and looked at Dan who was walking out. Your eyes slowly trailed to the floor until you spotted Dan's ass. He turned around and smirked, he placed a hand on his ass "Like the view?~" He teased causing you to blush furiously, you looked away. "N-No" You mumbled as he grabbed your hand and started heading out, holding your hand as he grazed his thumb over your knuckles. You both walked downstairs. Dan squeezed your hand lightly as he looked at you with a worried look, you smiled and squeezed his hand back saying your fine. 

You three ate and you were laying down in Dan's room on his bed, once again. You two were talking and scrolling through Twitter and Tumblr. You yawned slightly and continued to mess around with Dan.

~Phil's P.O.V~

I plugged the flash drive into my laptop while Y/n hangs out with Dan, I made more more folders and moved everything around. I came across the carpool video, which I haven't watched yet, so I decided to open it. I watched it for a bit and ended up in a think of laughter. At the end she was doing her outro I see Dan lean towards her and I could feel anger rumble inside of me, why? I had a crush on Y/n for a long time now, and Dan, my best friend has the nerves to kiss her. I didn't have control anymore and I copied the video into personal parts of my laptop as I watched Y/n's hand move away from the camera and reach for Dan pulling him closer. I wanted to walk in there and yell at him but I couldn't. I stayed put and finished organizing everything. I pushed it all aside again, who cares it was just a silly crush.. So I'll let it slide. Besides she has someone better Dan Howell which is fine! As long as she's happy.. So will I.. Maybe.. I unplugged the flash drive and walked to Dan's room. I knew Y/n had a crush on Dan but I don't think she likes me that way. I opened Dan's room slightly as Y/n was passed out on the other side of Dan's bed as he's in his scrolling position, deep in thought. "Hey Dan" I spoke my voice scratching a little, he smiled and looked at me "Hey Phil" He said looking up at me, I frowned thinking about Y/n being happier with him, but I took it away from my mind. After all I did get over my crush but why am I jealous now? I shook my head. "Here's Y/n flash drive" I said with a fake smile plastered onto my face. "Oh I'll give it to her in the morning" He said and took it from my hands gently and set it aside on the table beside his bed. "Phil is something wrong? You look like something's bothering you" He said as I look at him shaking my head "Nope nothing" I say and quickly walk out. I looked back at the crack in the door, he sighed and shook his head, I quickly went to my room to get dressed for bed.

~Le Time skip to Morning~

You yawned androlled over to see Dan sleeping, snoring lightly as he was in the middle of reading a fanfiction. You decided to read a bit. 'Y/n gazed over at you, your eyes meeting her's at the park as London's beautiful scenery fell between you' "Wait what?" You looked at the title from WattPad and saw it was a [Your YouTube name] Fanfiction, you felt your cheeks go a pure red. You sat up and stretched, Dan groaned a little and rubbed his eyes "Y/n" He says sleepily, he pushed his laptop off him and down by his feet as he holds you by the waist and rolls over hugging you in his arms. "D-Dan" You yelped as Dan had a good grip around you, you were definitely not going to escape. He rested his head against your arms hugging you tightly. He seemed to mumble something that was muffled by your shirt. It sounded like "Moundf" You shrugged it off, as he cuddled your body "Don't leave me" He whispers as you sigh and move your hand and stroke his hair. You don't remember much from last night, you remember Dan kissing you again then you kinda blacked out. You turned to your side and pulled Dan closer like a teddy bear. "Guuyyyysss" Phil chirped and opened the door, he was holding his camera "Wakey Wakey! I made bacon pancakes!" He yelled as Dan groaned into your stomach making you giggle. "Danny, come ooooonnn" You whined wanting Phil's amazing bacon pancakes. "Fiiiinnnneee" Dan said and released you as you got up, your hair in a messy bun, you fixed it again and turned to Dan as Phil gasped "Y/n what happened to your neck?" Phil asked tracing his fingertip over a couple places on your neck making you shiver "I-I don't know" You said and looked over to Dan with a huge blush covering his face, you all shrugged it off as you three headed downstairs to eat. After lot's of vlogging from Phil, you headed upstairs to the bathroom. You quickly shut the door and leaned to the counter, you looked into the mirror and looked at your neck. It was covered in slightly dark red-ish purple-ish marks, you sighed thinking you bruised yourself somehow, knowing how clumsy you are. You walked back to Dan to question him about last night. But when you walked into the room, he seemed to be changing. You stopped and felt your cheeks grow really hot, and slight liquid drip down your nose. You ran back to the bathroom. Nose bleed You thought and got it cleared up and headed back to Dan.


Yay Chapter 5!! Thank you all!! I love you all so much and I'm glad you like this, I'll try to update at least every 2 days since I'm out of school and all. Thanks to you all and have a goodnight!

~ Sky

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