Chapter 18

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~Jack's p.o.v~

I woke up and saw Y/n across me and Mark's lap, her head rested on my thighs, strands of hair was in her face, her tiny hands were pulled up to her face, she looked so cute. I smiled to myself, and stroked her hair, she smiled and groaned slightly, I sighed smiling like an idiot, wait where am I? I looked around and saw a bed that we were laying on, me and Mark leaned on the bedboard and Y/n was across us both.

~Dan's p.o.v~

I woke up and rolled over, I expected to see Y/n but instead I saw my Haru pillow, I drowned and got up and walked outside, I saw Phil eating my cereal "Phhhiiiilll!" I yelled as Phil quickly attempted to put them away but spilled some. "Where's Y/n?" I asked as Phil started to clean up. "She's in the guest bedroom with Sean and Mark" A pit formed in my stomach and my heart fell all the way down to that pit. "I'm sorry Dan they were all inseparable, I tried to buy they were all hanging onto each other, I forgot how much they missed each other, Heh." The pit got deeper as I saw Phil was also hurt by it. "Phil are you alright?" He went pale "Y-Yeah it's just-" Before he can finish the door rung. "Phil who is that?" He ran off and not too soon after Y/n's mum came in "Oh Phil I'm so glad you stayed there by my daughter's side your a great boyfriend" She pinched Phil's cheek and sat down on the couch. "Phil what is she talking about?" I asked starting to feel worse, "She asked me to pretend to be her boyfriend so her mum doesn't get too clingy not to mention how crazy she is" Phil explained. "What is she doing here?" I asked starting to panic "I don't know" Phil explained as Y/n skipped up to me and kissed my cheek then ruffled Phil's hair "Y/n?!" Her mum called as I froze she suddenly tripped and looked back at her mother "What about your boyfriend Phil?" She asked as Y/n panicked "Explain now" Her mother demanded, Y/n got up and sighed "Well.. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier but I'm really dating Dan, Phil is just my best friend" Y/n looked at her feet and shuffled them closer, "Darling why didn't you tell me?" Her mother started cracking up, we all looked at her with confusion "You should've just told me!" Her mother crackled, Y/n giggled nervously, "Um okay sorry.." Her mother walked over to me and put her arms around me "So you're Daniel James Howell, the one Phil talks about and the one who's all over my little girl's room?" She asked I blushed furiously as Y/n lit up "Muuuuuuuuummmm!!!" We all chuckled except for me and Y/n.

~Your p.o.v~

You sat there awkwardly, your mum completely embarrassed you in front of your boyfriend and your best friend. "T-that's not true" You protested but your cheeks just got deeper, thats when Dan cracked up. "You have to show me your room sometime" He said with a chuckled and hugged you, he was still a lot taller than you. You mum smiled "You're sooo much taller than my baby girl! Oooohh I'll have to talk you out to lunch sometime! Oooh!! Double dates!!" Your mum yelled causing you and Dan to blush furiously, "You got another boyfriend already?" You asked your mum, she divorced a while back. "Well yes, he's names Jerry!" Your mum chipped, you sighed and did a yay sarcastically. You stayed silent afterwards until she left.

After an hour she eventually left, you plopped down onto the couch and sighed, Dan leaned over the back of the chair and kissed your cheek "Hey Love, you alright?" He asked sweetly making you giggled, "No.. I'll be better if you come over here and cuddle me" You smiled as Dan chuckled "Adorable, I would but I have somewhere to go" You tilted your head "Where you going Danny?" You sat up and leaned on the side of the couch "Well I should say where we're going, my mum wanted me to head out to the house in Wokingham and she wants you to come too" Dan said, you smiled "Um sure why not" You watched Dan smile, you poked his cheek, but then he whispered "Get Ready" You blushed furiously even though he was talking about the road trip. 

After a while you two were getting in the car, it was about 8Pm when you guys left. He played all of your favorite songs. After 40 minuets Dan was driving over a road with potholes. He was singing Tear In My Heart by Twenty One Pilots "You fell asleep in my car I drove the whole time. But that's okay I'll just avoid the holes so you sleep fine, I'm driving here I sit. Cursing my government. For not using my taxes to fill holes with more cement. You fell asleep in my car I drove the whole time. But that's okay I'll just avoid the holes so you sleep fine. I'm driving here I sit, Cursing my government For not using my taxes to fill holes with more cement. Sometimes you gotta bleed to know, oh, oh. That you're alive and have a soul, oh, oh. But it takes someone to come around To show you how" Dan sung as you smiled in your sleep

~Dan's p.o.v~

I sung most of the songs as Y/n sleep peacefully next to me, she hummed a couple of songs. I avoided the pot holes for her as I sung that part in Tear In My Heart, god I'm such trash, I'm Y/yt/n trash and AmazingPhil trash. It's impossible, her hand is still rested on mine, giving it a squeeze every now and then. We pulled up in front of my old house, I decided not to wake her. After my brother, Adrain came out and helped bring my stuff in, I picked up Y/n, she slept just fine, until I stumbled a little. Her eyes fluttered open and looked at me, the blushed "We-We're here?" I nodded and set her to her feet, she looked at the door as my mum and dad peered out through the door way, I slipped my hand into her's and held it "You must be Y/n M/n L/n! My baby has said soooo much about you!" I blushed deeply OH GOD I screamed mentally "H-He has?" She asked blushing as well "Why yes! He's so obsessed with you" "H-He is?" Y/n tried not to giggle. Well long night is a check... Wait til she see's my fanboy room.

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