Spring, xx13

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          I feel the giddiest I've had in over half a century. Nothing will escape the blaze I have set. And even those who do will turn to ash in the light of the rising sun. Ebony and I planned it perfectly. I even allotted enough time to watch as the house rose up in flames, becoming like it's own sun in the blackness of the night. Ebony's hand was in mine the entire time we watched at the top of a nearby hill, my eyes lighting up. It was like my spirit was being revitalized each time a part of the manor collapsed.

          We weren't able to stay for the whole thing, but the knowledge that it will be nothing but rubble is satisfying enough.

          All the vampires in that manor are dead. Lord Ryan is dead. I know that for a fact, even if I didn't see his body burning personally. I can feel it. No longer will his honey voice swirl in my thoughts and turn my memories into muddy water.

          As for Christine, I admit that I do not feel any remorse for the loss of her life, despite her being the closest relationship I had. Quite a pity, honestly. Not for her death, but the fact that the vampire I detested the second most was the closest to me. Perhaps if we had met under different circumstances we might have even been friends, but we never progressed further than repulsion.

          I feel no remorse.

          Ebony and I are thinking about leaving France, exploring some other countries perhaps.

         We have our whole lives ahead of us. I don't plan to die anytime soon.

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