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Williams Perspective
It began raining, great. Just what we needed.
It's been two days already. We are obviously still healthy and we are still hydrated, except for the fact that Evelyn hasn't opened the bout of Cheez-Its® yet. The sound of my stomach growling made me even more hungrier. Then, it started to pour. Evelyn then pulls out a sweater from her backpack. That's honestly a great idea. While Michael sighed I pulled out my black hoodie I brought. I began to wonder if any of our families worried about us. Only moments later, I heard the sound of a car zooming past us. Obviously, it can't be a car, so, I looked all around us, so did Michael and Evelyn. I looked left,right, down, and up. " GUYS, IT'S A PLANE!!" I shouted. We all jumped up and began to wave our hands in the air to signal that we needed help. But, they didn't do anything, they couldn't. I sighed. Evelyn sobbed and Michael just stared at the ground. We are only 16 year old's who wanted to have a little bit of fun. That's all we asked for. What we didn't ask for is to be stranded here. Evelyn tapped out shoulders and pointed to our straight. We both looked to wear she pointed and we all panicked. That small island we saw was our only hope we have left. Maybe people were there. But, it was so far. Then I hear a splashing noise. Or maybe like someone swimming quickly  from underwater. I looked to see what it was. My eyes widened and both began to search for what I was looking at. They then sat there in complete shock. It was a shark. " Guys, stay clam. They can smell fear." Evelyn said. Just what we needed. A shark. Then, Michael gasped and said ," Guys,look" and he pointed towards the water. Not only one shark. 3 more begin circling around us. Then another 2. 6 sharks were ready to attack any moment. Their grey fins surrounding us, one behind the other. Circling us getting quicker and quicker each second. I mean, the whole situation we are in is kind of weird. We are 16 year old's who went on a paddle boat trying to have fun. We fall asleep. Then, we wake up in the middle of the ocean! We see a whale. Did anyone mention the part where we lost our paddles when we spun out of control  because of the great " beautiful " storm we had. Well I personally think this whole paddle boat thing turned out to be a "blast"! Yay us. Yay me! Yay Evelyn! Yay Michael! I'm just so "happy" we are lost and about to get eaten by sharks!! We got closer and closer to the tiny island, but, the sharks were a package with the paddle boat. That's a bad deal, a very very very bad deal.

1 minute later

Michael tapped my shoulder multiple times before I finally snapped out of the day dream I was having at the moment. I shook my head to start focusing again and not fall into my deep daydream again. I saw Evelyn smiling. The kind of smile you have when something good unexpectedly happens. And that good thing she was smiling about was the sharks. The sharks had left and when I had finally realized that I took a deep breath and smiled. Around that time, it was already around 3, but we will never know because Evelyn's phone got wet when we had the really bad storm yesterday. So, sadly, the phone is broken and the only way to tell what time it is is by looking at the sky. We were all only a few miles away from the small island. But, the more and more I thought about it, the more I jumped into reality. Since when is there a small island in the middle of Pacific. There is no such thing. So, why would someone be on the island. Unless, someone else had gotten lost. But, that'd be worse, wouldn't it be bad because if we befriended them and they turned things can be ending horrible. Michael broke the silence by saying," GUYS, WE ARE HERE!!" I sat up as well as Evelyn. Our boat began slowing down because of the boat touching the ground. I quickly grabbed my backpack and jumped out the boat. I pulled the boat more towards the sand so Evelyn wouldn't get all wet. Michael got out then Evelyn. We all started talking about what the game plan was and how we would get food that would be healthy. Or at least some what healthy. We aren't going to be living a perfect life here, obviously. But, we will have to fight through this.  All of us will make it out alive. Only if we try to, if we work together. Wow, I could write my own book. Only, when I come home because this is a life lesson to never go out into the ocean at night. Or at all, trust me I've learned from experience.

20 minutes later

All of us three were laying on the nice comfy warm sand.  Then I said, " Why don't we try making knives out of wood??"
And so we began.
How was this chapter? If you're reading this on a computer it looks short, but since I'm writing in phone it looks long. Sorry 😌
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5/20 2016
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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2016 ⏰

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