Chapter: 1 - "Big Breasts."

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Marcel's P.O.V:

"Hey new guy,"

I turned my head to the employee referring to me. "could use some help over here." I set the stack of unlabeled books on the counter and made my way over to the young man placing novels on shelves. "Where does 'Safe Haven' belong?"

"It's Marcel." I sighed, taking the book from his hand. After identifying the correct place for the story I scolded him, "This belongs in Romance, you're in Sci-Fi." I Huff, brushing past him, taking a look at the rest of the books he shelved before rolling my eyes dramatically. "These all belong in Romance. Can't your read?"

I collect all the misplaced books and replace them in the right section across the library as the "employee" follows me.

"Uh, thanks mate." He mutters as he rubs the nape of his neck. I nodded and ambled my way back to the front desk and continued labeling.

To my dismay, I was being followed by. . . you know, book worm over here.

When I arrived at the back of the counter I noticed a scuff in my vision. I took my prescriptions off as I pulled the lens cloth from my pocket and shook the lint from it before wiping my glasses clean.

He leaned his elbows onto the counter and began to tap his knuckles against the wood.

"Hey erm, Mattel-"

"Marcel." I scold, as I began labeling, refusing to make eye contact with him.

"Marcel, right. . Anyway, Where you from?"

Maybe if I just ignore him he'll leave.

I raised my head gradually, "Holmes Chapel."

"I'm from Gloucester, name's Nathan." Oh god no. Not the life story- "Yeah,*sigh* I came here just to have some freedom ya know? Ma's kinda clingy, ha ha. . ."

I think the large sign printed on my forehead that says 'Fuck Off.' is starting to fade in.

"So erm, you like this job?" He questions, still knocking on the counter top.

Just be nice Marcel... Be nice.

"Yeah, it's always peaceful. You like your job?"

"Eh, pays the bills." He chuckles, and I surprisingly copied him. "How long have you been here, in Liverpool?"

"About a month, just left uni." I feel like a complete hypocrite. I didn't want to hear his life story, now I'm telling mine.

"You know anyone here? Anything about this place?"

"Not exactly. What is there to know?" I ponder.

"Nothing precisely, you just gotta watch your back, ya know?" I sat down a novel to the side, giving my full attention to him.

"No. Elaborate." Everyone knows to watch their back, he said it a bit more deliberate.

"Well there's this gang that's been here for a few years. From what i've heard they're pretty brutal."

Gangs. Gotta love em. 

Just a bunch of scary looking guys who know how to shoot a gun, smoke a blunt, and shag a girl.

"Brutal? By 'Brutal' you mean guys killing other guys over money, drugs, and women?" I lent my elbows onto the counter.

"Mate this gang has taken over cities, multiple cities. The police even shit their pants at their name. They're actually afraid of them man, its mad." He explained. I sigh, shaking my head and mentally denying his theory.

"What are they called?'

"The Creeds." He muffled after looking at his surroundings.

"Pfft, that's a bit Ironic." I raised my index and middle, creating quotations, What's their 'creed'?"

"I dont know. It's like in German or Greek or somethin'. I see their graffiti in alleys." My stomach grew butterflies in nervousness. I don't even know why I'm nervous.

"And weird the thing is, nobody knows who the leader is. He's just like a puppet master, controlling the gang members while he just sits back and watches." I tug on my collar, suddenly feeling hot. "I heard the leader's got this heart tattooed on his cheek. I think its supposed to mean something with all the people he's killed. Its sounds a bit girly but I sure as hell wouldn't want to meet his ass."

Is he actually serious? Oh Jesus.

"Hey, Marcel? You alright?" I wipe my face with my hand before reassuring him.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm alright."

"I've never seen a Creed before, only heard of em'. You should still keep an eye out though." He states, patting my shoulder from across the counter. "I should get back to work. Nice talking to you Marcel." He taps his hands along the desk one last time before walking back to his book cart.

I huff a large amount of air before slicking back my gelled hair.

It's just a exaggeration Marcel, stop overreacting. Why are you worrying anyway? Your'e just a typical 21 year old librarian nerd.

I resume to my labeling when the sound of rain becomes louder and the sound of a slamming door engulfing my ears. Clacking. The sound of shoes clacking shortly after the door was shut. Peripheral vision gave my the access to see someone in pink heels. They finally arrive at the counter, placing white lace gloves on the top.

"Excuse me?" A woman calls.

I raise my head and my eyes are fixed on breasts. Big breasts. Spilling out of a baby blue sweater. She eventually bends her head lower to my eye level and I knock out of my daze shortly after falling into another. She's beautiful. And those damn breasts. . . Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Holy fu-

"Hellloo?" She waves her hand in front of my face back and forth. I shake my head, repeatedly apologizing to her inconvenience. She just laughs softly.

Platinum blonde hair, pink full lips, rose cheeks, and the darkest eyes you would have ever seen. She was incredibly sexy. But I also felt the slightest of innocence radiating off of her.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stare." I gush.

"Its alright. I take a man staring at my breasts as a complement." She smirks seductively.

Now I might be a typical looking nerd but that does not mean I'm a virgin. And that does not mean I don't have needs. 

Because right now, I want her. Badly. So badly.

Hope yall liked ch.1;) I know it took a while i'm sorry.

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