Part XI - A Scary Confession

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Honestly, the idea sounded absurd, but Nessa was beginning to wonder if perhaps Nathan Davis . . .fancied her or something. Honestly, he had asked her to the school team, and now he was asking her to the Halloween party.
Who knew, it might be just another stupid party that schools organised to not let children's spirits down, but still . . .Nessa considered it as serious as being asked out to the prom.
For these silly girl-boy matters, Nessa decided to consult Kate in the cafeteria the next morning. Maybe a part of her felt guilty that by sharing such stuff with Kate, they were becoming "friends" and in a very odd way it looked as if  she was replacing someone as special as Natalie Verona with this messy-haired sophomore artist.
But another part of her was rational enough to understand that Kate Thorne could never be a replacement for Natalie. It was like replacing mother's milk with Dean's milk.
And besides, the entire purpose of Natalie's death was not to mourn over her forever and refuse to have a life or any friends after her. Sure, Nat would always be her one-and-only, but Nessa could have other friends in life - especially to ask questions like 'Nathan Davis has asked me out, what do I do?!'
Kate practically screamed out aloud when Nessa had told her that, and then shut her mouth embarrassedly when she realised that she was sitting in a public cafeteria.
"What did you just tell me? Is he serious about it?!" Kate seemed super excited about the entire prospect.
"Well, that's exactly what I want to know."Nessa replied dryly.
"Oh my god. To be honest, I haven't even talked to Nathan Davis - we've got an entire hierarchy separating us - but from what I've heard, he's a player."
"Duh. Obviously he's a player. He's the captain in fact."
"Not a sportsperson, Vanessa; I meant to say that he is an experimenter and you are . . .maybe just one of his hundred lab testing animals. Davis plays with girls. He may not like you afterall, but he's just playing with you - testing you, trying you."
"And am I ought to give him that satisfaction?"
"Well, I guess not. But if you want to bash everyone everyone who dislikes you right on their faces (and at this point Nessa visualised a picture of a horror-struck Titania Cross), then going to the Halloween party with Nathan Davis on your arm is an excellent method. Just make sure not to fall in love though, because . . . ."
"'Kay, I'm no damsel who faces the threat of falling head over heels for guys." Nessa said sassily. "Though, well, wait, I still didn't get your advice."
Kate smacked her hand on her forehead.

Later, when Nessa was all alone in her room, Bibliophile texted:
We are both people who prefer to keep our secrets to ourselves. We are generally not in a habit of sharing our inner emotions - not with everyone, at least. So, I'll make a deal. If you make one confession, I will too.

Where did that game suddenly come up from?

What do you know about me, child? Possibly a wise man with a lifetime of experience, and an exclusive interest in poetry, philosophy and psychology, who has lost the only people he ever loved in his life. But beyond that, do you know anything - any of my secrets?

Fine, got ur point.

After you

I.....I saw my best friend die. I was the closest to her but I couldn't save her. Nessa barely noticed as her fingers tapped the entire text, but as soon as she had sent it, she felt the horrible sense of guilt and fear in her gut. Natalie was her fatal taboo - something that she was not supposed to mention to anyone.

You did it bravely. Now, I shall confess. You may not know me, recognise me or relate me with anything significant, but I know you, Vanessa Orville. I only know you too well.

As soon as the bell had rung and the students were getting up to leave Mr Mathew's class, Nathan Davis appeared smugly near the door.
"Vanessa. In case you had forgotten, I am still awaiting an answer."
"Gee, Davis, I didn't peg you for the sarcastic-female-socerer types."
"Whatever. Made up your mind?" He asked.
"Well, I decided to give this silly Halloween party a go, so . . ." Nessa tried to talk like she had done it out of charity to Nathan, and didn't give much of a care anyway.
"I take that as a yes." Nathan Davis completed the sentence slyly.
"And I'll let you have it as a yes."
"Friday, then."
"Of course." Said Nessa, and then watched as Nathan Davis gracefully spun back and walked away with a grin.
Nessa turned then at some of the students who had stopped to stare at their conversation, and cleared her throat sarcastically.

How do u know me?! Who the hell r u?!! Nessa texted almost wildly.

Oh, I've known you since forever. We both shared something very, very important - one that you valued enormously, and one that I valued enormously too. That is what brought us to acquaintance in the first place. As for who I am, it wouldn't look good if I reveal my identity now, but . . .if you have been paying attention, you should've realised who I am. I may not have given out my name, but I didn't lie about anything that I have told you so far.

Why did u start texting me? What do u even want? Creepy stalker!

Do not worry. The actions you fear the most - I am not interested in any of those. Besides, it's not like we talk very often or that I am capable of bringing your worst fears true.
And then, when Nessa thought that Bibliophile had definitely gone beyond his limits, she blocked him.
And yet, blocking him didn't ease her mind. She couldn't sleep that night due to her fear over what all could happen now that her anonymous friend had confessed that he had known her all along - that one major valued thing connected them both.
Things became a little scarier the next day (hell, the strong and brave Vanessa Orville practically peed her pants) when she found a piece of paper in her history notebook, that said :

You haven't escaped me, Vanessa,
even after you blocked me online.
You will never ever be able to escape me.

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