Platform 9 3/4 - Chapter 1

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Sirius, Sirius, Sirius.
It was all Harry could think of, his thoughts were plagued with his (now dead) Godfather. Harry was awoken from his thoughts as he heard the train stopping.
Looking over from the window he saw his two best friends staring at him anxiously,
"Harry, are you okay?" asked Hermione, her brow furrowing as she tried to figure out what Harry was thinking.
"I'm fine, alright!" Harry replied angrily, it really bothered him that they couldn't understand that he wanted to be left alone. Anyways, it's not like they cared about him anymore, they were both too blind to see that they were meant for each other.
Hermione winced while Ron sighed, exasperated that neither of them could get through the shield that Harry had brought around himself since Sirius had died.
Not even Dumbledore could get through to him, Ron and Hermione's thoughts were on the same passageway as they remembered a certain frightening scene from a few days ago.
Hermione looked behind her as if she was expecting Harry to be running up after the two saying that he had dropped his DADA books on the way to the Great Hall.
"Are you sure we shouldn't check on him, Ron?" Asked Hermione.
"He's with Dumbledore, he'll be fine. No need to worry 'Mione."
"Professor Dumbledore, Ronald" Corrected Hermione sternly, Ron just rolled his eyes in amusement at his crush. Thinking of that Ron wondered if Harry knew that he had a crush on 'Mione. Of course he would, Harry Potter knows everything apart from the answers to his divination homework. Waking up from his daydream Ron found Hermione pushing him down onto the bench where she quickly sat next to him.
Ron was about to ask her what was going on but then he heard it, shouting, banging and screaming. But what shocked him most of all was that the two voices were Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore and Harry James "The Boy Who Lived" Potter.
Hermione looked over to the long table at the front that was filled with so many gourmet foods that you would to too shocked to eat any of it (that is if Crabbe and Goyle didn't get there first) and saw that sitting behind it were all of the usual teachers including Minerva Mcgonagall and Severus Snape who were shocked into silence, as was the rest of the students in the whole entire school.
"THEN I DON'T WANT TO BE HUMAN!" Shouted Harry like a maniac as so many believed him to be, of course he is a little bit crazy, every one is but to say that he needs to be put into a mental asylum, well honey that's going a bit too far.
Minerva's heart shattered into millions of shards of glass as she pulled her aged hands up to her face as she sobbed. She was very protective of her lions and would do anything for them, but she knew when to be strict on them and give them detentions too (the Golden Trio and the Weasley twins).
Both Ron and Hermione shuddered as they connected eyes and they both knew what the other was thinking.
Harry looked over to his two best friends and smiled sadly, he was going to miss them, maybe he could see them in the summer? Or they could go to Diagon Alley together? But Harry's questions went unanswered as the bright red train pulled up to a stop at Platform 9 3/4.
Slowly the trio got up from their seats and Ron helped Harry get his trunk from the shelf above him as he was still too short (5,,2) and they all got carried along with the other 5th years out of the doors.
Mrs Weasley cried out giving Ron a massive hug, Mr and Mrs Granger smiled at their daughter and both kissed her on the forehead. As Harry looked around at all the happy families, reunited, he was reminded that he no family, except from Remus of course, but would Remus forgive him?
Out of the corner of his eye, Harry saw a beetroot look-alike that was named Vernon Dursley. Sighing, Harry slowly walked over and carried on until he reached the car, opening the door he climbed in and quickly reached behind him to put his truck in the back and opened the window to let Hedwig out, she would know where to go.
As the car started to move, Uncle Vernon started his usually favourite thing to do : complain. This time it was about how ungrateful Harry was that they took him in.
"Anyways, what did you even do this year? Learn how to make pigs fly?" Petunia asked snorting.
"I got my Godfather killed, alright! And I don't need bloody reminding of it!" Shouted Harry into thin air. The Dursleys were shocked into silence and that was how it stayed until they got home (in Harry's case "The Muggles' House") where harry stormed up to his room and slammed the door.
Quietly he slipped down to the floor with his back to the wall, tears running down his face.

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