Help Me - Chapter 2

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Whack, whack, whack,
That was all that could be heard throughout No. 4 Privet Drive, of course along with Dudley laughing and Petunia sniffing that the freak's blood was getting all over the floor. Meanwhile Harry was hissing as he tried to get up without feeling like he had broken every single bone in his body. It was actually quite funny because whenever he tried to hiss it would come out as English (to only Harry of course) and to the Dursleys it would be Parseltounge.

His uncle pushed him towards his room and Harry stifled a cry of pain. He managed to crawl to his bedroom before thinking, someone help me, and then collapsed.


A man that many people would describe as "A black bat with hair as greasy as a frying pan" was walking down a corridor towards the Headmaster's office, this man was Severus Tobias Snape.

Snape didn't know why Albus wanted to see him but it was only 2 weeks into the Summer holidays and Albus had spoken with urgency through the floo so he could only guess that it was to do with the brat, Potter.

Oh wonderful Harry Potter with his scar and his broomstick. Inherited everything from Senior Potter from his hair to his arrogant personality, thought Severus. Though of course he ignored the bit that Harry was the most modest person in the school, always putting everyone else before him. Even if it meant it would take his life (though he had a knack of getting out of everything).

Harry Potter had also inherited his mother's, Lily Potter Nee. Evans, eyes that were shaped like almonds and the most brilliant eyes that showed every emotion the boy had. He could put a blank look on his face but could not hide his eyes from anyone.

Snape jumped back in shock as his rather large nose hit a rather cold slab of stone, he had reached the Headmaster's office then. The potion master's fury went up a notch as he noticed the gargoyles were laughing at him. Hard. He huffed and said,
"I'm here to see the Headmaster."
The gargoyles just laughed more and replied with a fine no. This just annoyed the already angry snake a lot. He smirked evilly as he thought of a plan involving a certain head of house.
"Let me in or I will have to go and get a very angry kitten," knowing that the threat was not a lie, the two gargoyles (Frank and Greg) let him in as fast as the could without falling over or breaking themselves into pieces.

Still having the small, one-sided smirk on his face, Severus Snape headed up the moving stairs towards the Griffin door where he would meet the Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore.

A/N : Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is so short... but I am on a French trip with school and haven't had WIFI the whole time so I am using data to upload this rn .I will have WIFI. Thanks for reading :) - Lauren


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2016 ⏰

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