'til Death Shall We...

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I awoke from the bed afterwards and decided to go find (F/C)... Then, after a while, I see him... I felt a growl from the bottom of my throat as I creep towards him. (F/C) doesn't notice me, crawling behind him. I smirked ready for an attack... I quickly equipped my pocket knife and lifted my arm to stab him.

Suddenly something strong grabbed my wrist, making me freeze in position. I squirmed, trying to escape but I realize... (F/C) turned and glared at me, "You.."  "I missed you too." I grinned darkly. (F/C)s grip got stronger, imprinting my wrist. I grunt softly in pain and I felt my reflexes take action as I bit down on his hand. He jumped back quickly, not expecting that last move. A large bite mark, along with some blood, was left on his right hand. He growled, baring his teeth, "How dare you!"  "Dare I~?" I sneered, holding my pocket knife out. This was going to be an easy kill. How could I have loved someone so weak. I laughed at this thought, loudly and creepy...

(F/C) shifted his balance as I grinned. I step forward, he steps back. Can he be any weaker?! I step again quickening my steps, he jerks back cowardly. I laughed, "Darling, could you be any more of a crybaby? Come at me!" As I laughed I see a glow in his eyes. He was an animal. He charged at me with his nails like claws, pinning me down on the floor. He snapped in my face, and I felt his hot breath. I grin, having fun. "Ahaha! Do you remember when we did this before, darling~?" I remarked, trying to hurt him mentally along with physically. (F/C) narrowed his eyes and backed away, "(Y/N)..." "Yeah~ that's right~" I scratch his cheek with my pocket knife. He turned to look at me with scared human-like eyes. Was he finally breaking? I giggled to see him so stunned.

"Oh (F/C) I never thought u were this weak." I rolled us over so I was on top. I pointed the knife to his throat... "(Y/N)? Is it really you?" "Can you get other it already!!!" Then without hesitation,

...I slit his throat...

He gasps as I do it. What beautiful sounds of pure pain. I really did wish a moment like that would last forever, but throats are only so big... I drop the knife on the floor and stood up. I grinned, knowing he wouldn't possibly be able to follow me with a wound like that. It'll kill him slow and neatly. I turned to find my next kill when his arm grabbed my ankle. He scratched it hard enough for blood to ooze out. I fell to the ground, it stung like hell!!! "You bloody BASTARD!" I hissed in pain. He manages a raspy laugh, "D...idn...see...ca-...min" he inhales sharply for air. I glare at him... Only for it to be suddenly replaced with a sob in my throat....

My soft side replaced me as I threw a handkerchief at him. I growled, "Use it... To wipe the wound... It won't help but..." I look at him. He wasn't anything like the monster he was before, no not at all. He smiled up at me, weakly and said,  "T...tanks..." I chuckle softly. Weak, soft, and stupid. He doesn't even know how to say 'thank you'

I left him after that... And didn't see him for a while...
...But then again...

I was already searching for my next victim

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