Dana Imagine

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You and your boyfriend Dana were having your weekly date night tonight. Normally he says where he was taking you but not this time. You begged and begged but he wasn't caving in.
Y/n- Dana if I don't know where were going how do I know what to wear
Dana- by letting me pick something out for you
Y/n- seriously
Dana- yup
He got up and went to your closet and grabbed your blue tank top and white jeans and pulled out your blue converse
Dana- tada
You just laughed
Dana- get ready we will have to leave soon
Y/n- ok
You both got ready and an hour and a half later you guys were on the road. After a bit of driving you arrived at the forum
Y/n- babe
Dana- yes
Y/n- what are we doing here
Dana- date night
Y/n- I know but I thought you were tired with concerts right now
Dana - I kinda am but this one is an exception now come on
He led the way showing the security the tickets and then maneuvering around the crowd to get to the front
Y/n- so who are we seeing
Dana- you'll see
Y/n- please danaboo
Dana- nope
You stuck your tongue out at him while crossing your arms. But he just laughed and wrapped his arm around you pulling you closer to him. After a bit the music started and you realize you were seeing your best friend perform. It was your first time seeing fly away hero perform live. You were singing along to every song. The concert then came to an end you talked with Dalton for a bit then went home
Y/n- thank you baby
Dana- your welcome I know how much you love them and how much it bugged you that you never have the chance to see them
Y/n- I love you danaboo
Dana- I love you too princess

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