group imagine prt.2

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A/n: a part two was requested so hope you guys enjoy :)

Laurens p.o.v
I had been texting cole all week and we had the date all set except I had no clue what we were going to be doing. I was on the phone with him while I was hanging in the living room.
L- cole pppllleeeaasssee
C- nope
L- why not
C- cause I'm having fun torturing you
L- this is not making you the man of my dreams
C- awww I'm sorry
L- so you will tell me
C- no
L- dammit
C- it was a nice try tho
L- I thought so but seriously tell me so I at least know how to dress
C- casual
L- alright
Dees p.o.v
Me and chey were in the kitchen making food while Lauren was on the phone with cole.
Chey- do you hear her sis
D- yeah its adorable
Chey- they must have gotten pretty close throughout the week
D- I guess so but I mean she was like that when the met remember what she told us
Chey- that's true
D- its that instant connection
Chey- yup its so cute you and gabe did too it seems like
D- yeah we did we had a good start but then batman happened and it was magical after that and he asked me out
Chey- really magical
D- you know what I mean haha
Chey- yeah I do I'm glad your happy sis I'm glad you both are
D- thanks what's going on with you and David tho is everything ok
Chey- I don't know I mean he's been so awkward the last couple of days with our texts
D- really?
Chey- yeah
D- I'm sorry sis but I'm sure its nothing so don't worry that pretty little head yet
Chey- alright thanks sis
D- your welcome so I have an idea
Chey- what's up
D- how about since she has her date why don't we have a besties night
Chey- guy besties included
D- duh go call Dana
Chey- yaayyy ok
After she ran upstairs I grabbed my phone and called our bestie who is like a brother to us because he looks out for us.
D- hey Dalton what are you doing tonight
Dal- nothing why what's up
D- you wanna hang with me and chey and possibly Dana
Dal- sure what about Lauren tho
D- she has a date
Dal- oh cool with who
D- this guy she met at the gym his name is cole
Dal- oh
D- yeah you ok
Dal- yeah I'm fine see you tonight
Daltons p.o.v
My bestie is going out with my old bestie oh boy. Things are going to be interesting. I called Dana after I got off the phone with Dee
Dana- hey man what's up
Dal- are you hanging tonight
Dana- yeah did you hear Lauren has a date tonight
Dal- yes but did you hear who with
Dana- no who
Dal- cole
Dana- oh shit for real
Dal- that's what Dee told me
Dana- maybe its a different Cole
Dal- maybe but I highly doubt that knowing my luck
Dana- well who knows things could go back the way they used to be
Dal- I don't know
Dana- you going to be ok with this
Dal- I don't know
Dana- well chey said it's their first date so don't get to worried just yet cause there's no for sure about how it will go
Dal- true thanks bro
Dana- your welcome now I'll see you later
Dal- later
Laurens p.o.v
Today seemed to just drag on but it eventually got close to the time to get ready.I showered and changed into my white skinnys and purple tank top pairing it with my black sandals. I was ok all day but now all my nerves are working up.
L- hey girls can you help me finish getting ready
D- of course
Chey- definitely
Chey curled my hair for me while Dee helped with my makeup
D- you excited
L- I was
Chey- what happened
L- my nerves are working up now
D- relax sis its going to be great
Chey- shake all the bad thoughts away tonight will be great sis ok and breathe
I was talking deep breathes and soon I was done and he was here.
C- you look beautiful
L- thank you don't look bad yourself
C- thank you ready to go
L- yup
Girls- bye
D- have fun
Chey- make good choices
I closed the door before they could embarrass me.
L- sorry about that
C- it's fine (slightly laughing)
He helped me into his car then got in on his side and we were off to who knows where.
Cheys p.o.v
I was laying down texting David and he was still being kind of awkward and it was bugging me so I went out back and called him
Dav- hello
Chey- hey Spidey
Dav- hey chey whats up
Chey- that's what I want to know
Dav- what do you mean
Chey- your messages have been so weird lately did I do something wrong
Dav- no god no you haven't done anything
Chey- then what
Dav- I like you and I want to ask you out but I've been too nervous to ask so I've been weird
Chey- oh
Dav- so Cheyenne would you do me the honor and go on a date with me
Chey- I'd love too
Dav- awesome we will discuss the details later cause I have a something to do right now
Chey- alright bye Spidey
Dav- bye chey
We hung up and I skipped inside seeing Dana and Dalton were already here.
Dana- hey smiley
Chey- hi
D- I see someone's better
Chey- so much better
D- did you talk it out
Chey- yup
D- and
Chey- and he asked me out on a date and I said yes
We started happy dancing
Dal- so chey is dating as well
Chey- so is Dee
Dana- who did you guys meet
D- Gabe
Chey- David
Guys- oh
D- do you know these guys including cole cause you got kinda weird about him earlier dalty
Dal- yeah we know them we used to be friends with them well dana is still kinda
Dana- they're good guys don't worry
Chey- ok
There was an awkward silence for a few then we decided to put the movie on.
Coles p.o.v
I took her to the movie at the park thing and I had blankets for us to sit on. As well as a picnic basket for us to eat. When she saw it all her face lit up she was so happy
L- this is amazing cole
C- I'm glad you like it and by the way this is for you
I pulled out a purple lily out of the basket for her.
C- I know you like purple and there isn't a purple rose at least not one that I could find so I hope you like it
L- I love it thank you
We ate as the movie was being set up
L- so what movie is it anyway
C- star wars
L- ooo which episode
C- 7 the force awakens
L- awesome
We were sitting close to each other throughout the whole movie when I had enough and wrapped my arm around her shoulders pulling her closer to me which she responded quickly by snuggling into me. It was cute. After the movie neither one of us wanted to leave yet so we stayed and played on the playground. She ran to the swings with me following her and I took the seat next to her. After a while of swinging we slowed down but didn't get up so I intertwined our hands. She looked up at me and smiled
Dees p.o.v
Things got better along the night except for the fact that the guys are freaking out that its getting "late" and she still isn't home even tho its barely 10.
Dana- I see headlights
Dal- can you tell if its them
Dana- no oh wait yes cause they are walking up to the door
Chey- ok boys away from the window
D- exactly let us see what happens
Chey- yup
We were watching them we had no clue what was being said but we saw them hug and cole kiss the top of her head.
D- aww
Chey- so sweet
She walked in shortly after that
Chey- so how was it
D- tell us everything
L- ok but first hi guys
Dal- hey bestie
Dana- hey Lauren
L- do you want the details as well
Guys- why not
She filled us in on everything
D- awwww how romantic
Chey- I think he is the man of your dreams after all
L- I think so too

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