Chapter 1

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          "I-it hurts," Niomi whimpers, holding onto Ryan's shirt tight as Jake looks at her knee. The group were all playing a game of tag before the young girl fell and grazed her knee, causing the skin to break and a small amount of blood to come from the wound. "N-no touch n-no more."

          "Will she be okay?" Edward asks nervously, standing behind Jake as he continues to check her knee. He hums, then nods.

          "Of course she'll be okay, she only fell."  Toby says obviously. "It's not like her leg's gonna fall off." He mutters under his breath, earning a slap from Edward on the back of his head. Ryan says nothing about the remark from his twin, he's too busy soothing Niomi.

          Jake stands up, brushing the dust off his knees as he stands, letting go of the girls leg and putting it down gently. "You'll be okay, just a cut." He nods, proud that he solved the situation. As the oldest, Jake always feels he has to take charge and do everything his way because it's the "right" way. That doesn't go down too well with Toby, though.

          "Than-thank you," Niomi smiles, still having a runny nose and sniffling because she was crying. She stands up, hugging his right arm and Ryan's left. Ryan smiles, but doesn't say anything.

          "Anwayyyyyy," Toby drags out the word. He pokes Edward's shoulder. "Tag!" And the boy quickly runs away. He's always been a fast runner, no wonder he's barely the tigger. Edward just laughs, quickly chasing after everyone else.

          Niomi laughs as she dives through Edward's legs as he runs towards her. Edward laughs with her, soon enough everyone's joined in laughing. Even Toby is laughing. These are the days no one wishes to forget.


          "Dinner!" Niomi's mum shouts through the opened door, gesturing for her to come inside. After playing such a long game of tag, the bunch were exhausted. They were all laying on the hill, Niomi trying to make a daisy chain, Ryan helping her whenever she made a mistake, Edward and Toby having races to see who could roll down the hill fastest, and Jake laughing at them whenever they rolled too far and landed in the puddle at the bottom of the hill.

          The girl whines, before reluctantly sitting up and giving Ryan the chain.

          "Finish for me?" She smiles at him. The boy nods, smiling back and taking the pile of daisy Niomi was using. She runs down the hill, waving to everyone as she passes them. Giggling, she jumps over Edward who was laying in the puddle and complaining that his new shoes got ruined. The eight-year-old skips to her front door, waves once again to the boys, and goes inside. Her mum smiles kindly, she loves how fond of the boys her daughter is - they're like her brothers, that's what her dad says - and closes the door.

One week later

          "Are you packed Momo?" The girls mum - Caitlin - calls from the bottom of the stairs, using Niomi's nickname that always makes her giggle. As she expected, she heard a giggle and a faint 'yes'. Caitlin smiles, picking up the sleeping bags and taking them out to the car. The family were all going on a camping trip.

          Niomi stuffs her lucky socks in her bag, - she doesn't wear them, she carries them around - along with her teddy she got when she was a baby and flashlight. Niomi's always loved camping, even if she's only been twice. But she has camped in the garden a few times with the Lightend's. The Lightend's! She hasn't said goodbye!

          The small brunette quickly puts on her sparkly turquoise welly boots that light up and picks up her Disney Princess bag and runs downstairs carefully. Caitlin had already packed her bag with the bear necessities she'll need, and let her daughter do the rest because she knows how Niomi loves to be independent.

          The girl drops her back at her mums feet and tells her where she's going, then she runs up the hill to where the Lightend's house is. She stops at the gate to get here breath back, but a weird sign was on the fence. For Sale? What's that supposed to mean? And there was a lot of boxes in the yard... maybe they're going camping too! It would be so exciting with--

          "Niomi?" A voice says, walking out the door. It was Edward. She smiles and runs up to him, hugging him tight, but being as small as she is it's not really as tight as she thinks it is. Edward manages to smile, hugging back for a second before pulling away.

          "You come camping too?" Niomi says hopefully, looking up at him with sparkling eyes. The ten-year-old smiles sadly, moving hair from her face. She furrows her eyebrows confused, why does he look so sad?

          "We're not going camping," a voice says - Jake - as he walks out the door with the rest of his brothers. That causes Niomi to frown.

          "We're moving. Far far away from here." Toby says flatly, crossing his arms. Edward slaps him on the back of the head and whispers something to him. Toby looks at his feet guiltily.

          "No for long... right?" Niomi asks hopefully, not fully understanding the situation. Ryan pulls her into a tight hug, sniffling. Being the closest to Niomi, it's hardest for him to say goodbye.

          "C'mon boys," their mum, Karen, shouts from the moving truck and gesturing for them to get in. Ryan just holds tighter, mumbling that he's sorry and he'll miss her, and that he loves her. Jake pulls him away gently, then hugs her and says the same as the boy before him. Toby and Edward do the same, Niomi just stands frozen and confused. They're leaving forever?

          As they all walk to the car slowly, she grabs Ryan's wrist. "No go! Please!" She pleads, looking at him wide eyed and sadly. Ryan sniffs, moving his hand from her grip.

          "Sorry Momo, we need to. Don't forget us, please." The boy says, looking at her semi-seriously.

          "Promise! Never forget!" That makes the boy half smiles, but you can see the pain in his eyes. Sighing, he climbs onto the van after everyone else, pulling the door shut. All four facing pop up at the window, waving at her and looking miserable. Niomi waves back, trying not to cry.

          The truck drives away. Niomi keeps waving, even when it's out of sight. Not being able to hold back tears, big hot ones rolls down her cheeks. She quickly runs out the garden, not wanting to be there if her friends aren't, and start running. Not down the hill, not down to her house, to where the truck was driving. She has to get them to stop, to not go. They can live with her!

          Her small legs couldn't carry her fast enough to the truck. Or even across the road. Half way across the road. His foot didn't press on the brake fast enough. She didn't look around.

          There was a squeal of a break. A scream, a yell, a crash, silence.


First chapter! How was that?

Sorry for the rubbish ending, not very good at them :P

Words: 1200 (not all chapters will be this long)

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