Mermaid Heel Guild

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Mermaid Heel GuildFive girlsLadiesToughest StrongestBeauty AmazingTalented Pride Brave Kind at heart Good peoplePeople are amazeBy those ladiesA swordsman specialist woman wizardBlind magic wizard Thread Wizard Vegetable WizardGravity Wizard All five ladiesAre Mermaid Heel Wizards Part of Mermaid Heel Guild No way To mess With them Each wizard thereIs Mermaid Wizard Respectful FriendlyTo each otherAnd Other guilds All strong Their own wayPride to this guild Proud to be A wizard In Mermaid Heel Guild These girls Mermaid wizard girls Are Belong in Mermaid Heel Guild

Art Of Mermaid Heel belongs to minatsukii from deviant art. 

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