Chapter twenty seven

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He was here...
Sora was here in front of me...
He was here...
I came to realize that hot tears were sliding down my cheeks. All I could say was his name.
"...Sora... Sora...."
My voice was broken and hoarse, and in moments I was enveloped in warmth as he drew me into his strong arms, pressing me to his chest. "... It's okay..." He assured in a gentler tone than I'd ever heard him speak before. "... I'm here..."
I couldn't stop the tears. It was Sora... I was safe now...
I didn't have much time to be glad. Before I realized it, I'd lost consciousness.


"Mn..." My eyes cracked open and I groaned under my breath. Where... Was I...?
It was dim...
Blinking, my vision cleared, and I quickly came to the realization that I was back at the shrineー my home shrine.
I could feel the relief and joy swelling in my chest. I was back... Thank god...!
I sat up abruptly, and too quicklyー in seconds I doubled over with a groan, holding my head. Oh, ow...
"Oh, you're awake?"
I looked out the corner of my eye and spotted a familiar fox, sitting quietly in a chair at the side of the room, a book in his hand. I also came to notice he was wearing reading glassesー and he looked pretty good in them, too...
"Sora..." I breathed, my relief bleeding through in my voice. I was so happy to see him..
He closed his book and set his reading glasses aside, folding them up and laying them on top of the book at he side table. Standing quietly, he went over to sit at the edge of the bed, looking at me. "You feeling okay?"
I nodded. "Just a little dizzy... How long was I out...?"

"About a day."

"Oh, geez..."

I ran my fingers through my messy hair. "What happened...?"
He let out a long breath. "Well... It was a pain to fight Tarou while also having to deal with your unconscious body, but I managed it I guess..."
I laughed a little bit. "I see... Sorry for the trouble..."
I didn't really want to know the details... But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little concerned for the man...
He was all alone... He was sad.
I just wanted to help him...
I let out a quiet breath. There wasn't anything I could do...
Sora eyed me for a long moment. "... There you go... Thinking again. You think too much."
I stuck out my tongue. "Do not.."

"Do, too..."
He pulled himself fully up onto the bed and moved to lay his upper body against the headboard beside me. As I looked to him, his hand raised and gently rested on my wrist for a moment before he raised it, revealing my bandaged palmー the hand that Tarou had pierced with his dagger. My cheeks flushed slightly. Sora's hand was so big and warm... His touch was so much more gentle than Tarou's had been.
Sora's eyes narrowed coldly. "The bastard was trying to revoke our contract..."
So that's what he'd been doing...
My brows drew together. Sora's gaze drifted over to me. "Does it hurt...?"


"The cut..."

"Oh... Just a little."

He was worried about me...?
Surprising me, Sora drew my hand closer, and pressed his lips softly to my palm. Even through the bandages, I could feel his warmth seeping into me. My heart was fluttering uncontrollably.
My impression of Sora had changed so much since we'd first met... I had no idea he could be so sweet...
"... Sora..." I breathed. "... Thank you.."
He raised his head to look at me, still holding my hand within his, scanning me with his sharp green eyes. "... What for?"

"For saving me... I was so afraid that it was the end for me... I don't know what would've happened... This is twice now, huh..."

I chuckled lightly, my gaze lowering to the sheets. It was embarrassing, really...
Sora paused, then lowered our hands to rest on his lap. "You wouldn't've needed saving if I'd protected you in the first place..."

"That wasn't your fault," I assured in a quiet voice. "It was all because I'd said those things to you..."
Because he'd kissed me...
I bit my lip, remembering all the things I'd said to him...

"You can't do that to a girl...! I want someone to kiss me and feel something...!"

The words he'd said to me then... What did he mean? If he had felt something...? But then... If he didn't care, he wouldn't have come to save me... Would he...? Was it just because I was his familiar? I couldn't understand it...
My chest tightened, and Sora tilted his head as he looked at me. Finally, he let out a breath.
"... Ayano."
His voice was gentleー leaking with that same warmth he'd given me when he was wrapping me in his safe arms. I slowly raised my head, sheepishly looking back at him. "... I'm sorry I kissed you..."
I was surprised by this. "You... Are...?"

"You were right... I shouldn't have done something like that without your consent... If it means something to you, then I should've been more sensitive. I'm sorry..."

There was a silence that followed as he finished, and I eyed him for a moment. "'s okay..." My voice was low, so much so I wasn't sure he could hear.
One of his ears perked up at my words as he looked at me. "It... Is...?"
I couldn't look directly at him. "...mhm..."
I ran my hands through my hair, looking away. "I don't... I don't mind so much...."
What was I saying...?
He tilted his head, looking at me in surprise. I swallowed. Why was I saying this...?
But it was true... I didn't... Mind... After all... He'd done so much for me... The least I could do was...
"... You'd let me kiss you?"
My heart leapt into my throat. What was that...? I could hear the smirk in his voice...!
My face flushed red, I turned to glare at him. But the moment I turned, I saw his face was already so close to mine.
Ah...!! Sora..!
He was smirking at me...! Grinning at me... He was toying with me...
"Well?" He pressed closer, so uncomfortably close.. I could feel his breath...
I struggled to swallow.
"Would you?"
His tail was swishing back and forth as he looked at me seductively with those attractive green seas...
What was he doing to me...?
Sora... You idiot...
He chuckled triumphantly and finally pulled away.
"Alright, alright. I'll let you off... For now. I probably shouldn't be messing with your head when you still aren't well. Get some rest."
I stuck my tongue out at him.

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