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Close By  Nick Jonas


4 Months Later


i put my walls up because Xavier can read my mind if i don't have my Walls Up

I Am Afraid to Mate & my Heat is coming soon and My Best Friend Already Mated with My Brother Jack they Found out A Month when i was out Cold 4 Months ago and they Mated when i was awake and up and walking & i am Afraid to get Close

i am just looking into space Thinking & i hear the door open but i am deep in the thought

I Really don't want to Mate yet

i stop thinking about it & I Put my walls down

"Xenia"I Hear Xavier Say and i snap out of my thoughts

"Hm"I Hum

"What where you thinking about & why was your walls up"Xavier Asks

I Move my Hands And i do A Ice Spell and i feel like Lava and i know its not Heat

I Feel the moon Goddesses Power and i start Flouting

"XENIA"Xavier Yells as i Disappear

I Appear in the moon goddesses Castle

"Hello"I Say in the dark and i see people With Knifes and Sticks with fire on them

"THERE"They Yell and Start Running After me

"Stop please i didn't do anything"I Say

"I Was sent here by the moon Goddess"I Say

"Follow us"They Say and put the fire out and put the lights on

"Why am i here?"i Ask

"Your here because the Moon Goddess wants to talk to you"They Say as we arrive at the room where the moon Goddess is

"Ah Hello Xenia"She Says and waves a Hand towards the people that got me here and they leave and shut the door

"H-hello"I Stutter in Fear

"Your Safe"She Says

"W-what D-do Y-you M-mean"I Ask

"Your In Danger"She Says

"Wait is this A Dream"I Ask

"No"She Says and i Reappear back at the Pack house and my eyes are Wide as i realize what just happened

"Xenia"Xavier Says and my Eyes Glow gold and Crystal Blue

i Shake my head and i feel something hit my Head and i reach behind my head and I Grab the Knife and take it out and My Eyes turn Gold and i Shift

I Snort at the Person that Hit me and he Runs and I Lung

I Claw his Face and Arms and legs and Then i Lung Again And I Bolt out of there to the River

"Why moon Goddess why are they After me"I Ask her

"Your kind have Special Powers and you will never die like your Family or your Brother's mate or Anyone that is in your family"She Says

"Wait"I Say and Jump into the Air and follow her

"Yes Jewels"She Asks

"Will Xavier Die"I Ask Sadly and she Shakes her Head and Answers

"Never would i ever let him die Sweetie"She Says and gives me A Hug and i notice Some people looking for me

"Guess i should go before they Spot me huh"I Say

"Yes you should and i will Visit you in your Dream"She Says and leaves

i go back to the Growl and i know why i am feeling Weak

i fall and i notice They Turn towards me and i Actually have A Wound and its in my Back and front leg

i Whimper in Pain and my eyes start shutting as i realize we are Almost at the Hospital and they Make me shift back when i was going into Surgery because my Wounds have Parts of the Knife in it and i wont be walking for Awhile and i think i am going to shut people out

I Already have my Walls up so no one can read my Mind

i hear my Parents and mate and brother Yelling at me to stay Awake and i smile and my eyes shut and my head turns i am still Breathing and i can Move a bit

my Smiles turns into A Frown when i get A Vision and i cant get out

I Start Freaking and My Heart changes Beat

"Dear calm down"The moon Goddess Says

"Will i ever wake up Again?"I Ask

"Yes you Will in Two Days"She Says

"Why so Long"I Ask

"Because i am giving you  A Chance to Remember Everything"She Says and i have so many Visions

i hear Some yelling though

One where i got my powers another one with me and my brother i am 4 and he is 6

One with when i was brought into the world and i Was born Two Days Later & my brother Jack was born First and then i was born Two days Later that's why he is Older then me

So Many more come

Two Days Later

"Time to go back into the world"She Says

"Okay Bye and Thank you for Everything Your Highness"I Say

"Goodbye Dear"She Says and waves her hand and i am in darkness and i hear Xavier

"Please wake up i am so sorry for not keeping you Safe"Xavier Says and my Mouth Changes to A Smile

"Xavier"I Say and i am Wide Awake

"Xenia your Awake how they Said you Should Wake up in A week"Xavier Says

"Its A Secret"I Say and i see him Start Crying

I Smell Jack come in and i turn my Head towards Jack

"Oh My God your Awake"Jack Says

"I Just woke up"I Say and Welcome him to the Hug

"How is Lara and the Baby"I Ask and Smirk

"H-how D-did Y-you K-know"Jack Stutters

"I May have Talked to the Moon goddess and i had some Visions and the reason i didn't die is because i was in contact with the Moon Goddess and Man she has A lot to say like Jesus And that's why i have only been out for two days and no one in our Family not even me can Die"I Say

Jack Eyes widen at what i just Said

my eyes widen ......


"Oh God"I Say as i feel the moon Goddess Shake her Head

My Mate is The Moon Goddesses DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now