Si vos desirs sont résonables, ils se realiseront

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Tell you, for you
I would go take the moon
collect stars
and bring you on a cloud
It would be a lie
Cause it's impossible
But tell you
I love you
It's true

Meet you was my destiny
Talk to you was my choice
But falling in love wasn't

it's so different .
I feel things that I never felt
all around me no longer exists
I 'm in another dimension

Everyone has the right to happiness
but no one has the right to destroy that of others.
You could break my heart into tiny little pieces
and i'd stil pick them up and put them back in your hands

If you don't want me
I don't care
Don't do the impossible
For someone who doesn't want you

Thank you for all the happiness you have given me
Since I meet you
And excuse me if to day
I disgusted you
Petit texte assée déprimant composer de citations. J'en aie modifier quelques une pour que le texte se suive et j'ai traduit se en français(pcq c'est plus beau l'anglais😇).Vous l'interpréter comme vous voulez ! Pour moi, ils ont toute un sense sûrement différent du votre!

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