Chapter Ten

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Clover wasn't cooperating at all.

Every time Eva put something in order or picked something up, the little dog was right there messing it up again. It got to the point where Eva just picked her up and put her in the bathroom with some toys and bones.

Though Eva could still hear the dog barking, Clover was no longer in the way.

It was half past 7 when there came a knock at the door. Eva opened it to find Danny holding a pizza box with a brown paper bag on top of it.

"You're late." She accused, grabbing the food.

"I know. And I'm sorry. I ran into fans and took pictures with them and then walked to long way so they wouldn't follow me here."

Eva peered into the paper bag, and after seeing it held breadsticks, she closed it.

"Well thanks for the food." She began shutting the door.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Danny wedged his foot in the door. "That's not very nice."

Eva smiled and opened the door. "Come on, then."

"So... The blonde chick – Rose – is in love with Christopher Eccleson-"

"The Doctor, yes." Eva corrected.

"But he turns into David Tennant and she's upset because he's not Christopher Eccleson anymore?"

"Nine regenerates into Ten and Rose isn't sure what to feel because he has a different face than the one before. But this Doctor has regenerated 9 times before he even met her, so really she's just being close-minded about the entire situation."

Danny was silent for a moment, "This is the most confusing show in the world."

"I know." Eva rested her head on his chest, watching the screen.

Danny rested his hands on her lower back, holding her close to him. They had eaten the entire pizza and all of the breadsticks. Clover had quieted down from here timeout spot and the sun had set.

She loved being like this with Danny. Listening to his heartbeat in the dark, feeling him hold her close and not letting go...

Eva didn't remember falling asleep. But the next thing she knew, she woke up to a gentle kiss on her forehead. She sleepily looked up at Danny, who smiled gently.

"What time is it?" She mumbled.

"Quarter after 11."

Eva groaned and buried her face in his chest. "Why did you wake me up?"

"I didn't mean to. I couldn't resist." He replied, chuckling a little.

Eva slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes. Danny sat up as well, stretching his arms above his head so his t-shirt pulled up a little in the front. Eva's eyes settled on the rose tattoo that took up his entire forearm. The tattoo she had noticed the first day they had met.

"Tell me about your tattoo." She said, standing and walking to her dresser.

Danny glanced down at his arm. He was quiet for a few moments before he said, "It's for my dad."

"What happened to him?"

"How did you know something happened to him?"

Eva shrugged and pulled out her pajama shorts and a t-shirt. "We all say it the same way."

Danny nodded, realization and understanding in his eyes. "He had a stomach aneurysm. On Valentine's Day. I talked to him that morning."

"I'm sorry for your loss." The words felt useless to say, but there truly was nothing better to say.

"It was a while ago." He looked up at her, "Who did you lose, if you don't mind me asking?"

"My mom." Eva shimmied out of her jean shorts and into the sleep shorts. "Car crash."

"Oh. How's your dad doing with that?"

"Last I checked, my stepmom convinced him that she was no big loss." At Danny's startled expression, she added, "They were divorced before she died. Dad still loved her, but for some reason he also wanted the divorce."

Danny nodded. Eva pulled her shirt over her head and turned to her side so Danny could see the inked date 13-7-2009. She knew she should feel embarrassed when wearing nothing but shorts and a bra in front of a guy she had only met a few days prior, but it felt natural to her.

"Will I get to meet your dad?" He asked finally.

"I don't know. I haven't spoken to him since April." She pulled on her shirt and threw up her hair into a messy bun, putting on an elastic hairband as well.

"Why not?" Danny got up and walked five steps before throwing himself onto her bed.

"My stepmom made a snide remark about mom and my dad defended her." Eva threw her clothes into her hamper and crawled across her bed to Danny, lacing her hands together on his chest and laying her chin on them.

"I'm sorry, love."

"Don't be. I have more important things to worry about."

"Like what?" He brought a hand up and gently brushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"You leaving tomorrow for the rest of your tour."

"I'm only going to Belgium. I'll be close." He smiled, his fingers brushing down her neck. "I'll visit after the Thetford concert in a couple weeks. Maybe after Auchterarder, too. And in August I'll be in the UK again so we'll figure something out."

Eva scolded herself for feeling so ridiculously attached to this man. She had only known him for a few days and she was feeling as though a part of her was leaving. "You don't get back until September."

Danny sighed heavily. "I know. I'm going to miss you every day that I'm not here."

"When you're finished, will you come back to Dublin?"

"Yes." He gently pulled her face to his in a lingering kiss.

That's how she wished they would stay. Body to body. Heart to heart. Lips to lips. Safe and secure. Forever.

It was ridiculous, but Eva felt something deep within her belly stir. Something telling her to not let this go. It was a strange stirring, confusing but clear. Eva knew exactly what the feeling was, though she'd never felt it this way before. And she refused to put it into words.

Not yet, anyway.

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