Nightmares And Love

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Hermione's POV

I bolted up, breathing heavily. I felt the sweat dripping off of my skin, feeling cold. I took small but deep breathes, in and out. My body shook violently as my nightmare stayed raw in my mind. I looked at my lover, smiling slightly before I got out of bed. I grabbed my wand and tucked it into the waistband of my flannel pajama pants. I then grabbed my sweater, quickly putting it on and walked out of our bedroom.

I opened the door to the smaller bedroom and smiled softly as saw the little head of bright blue hair in the crib, sitting up.
"Mommy?" Teddy asked and I smiled wider, walking into the bedroom. I walked over to the crib and chuckled as I saw my son with his hands up.
"Hey Teddy-Bear." I said, picking him up. He immediately snuggled into me as I hummed and walked out, towards the kitchen. His hair started changing to look like mine, brown, long and curly. He started talking to me in his jumbled toddler talk while I made him some warm milk and some coffee for me.
"Mommy, you have bad dream?" He asked when I sat on our sofa, laying back slightly with him on my stomach.
"Yes darling, Mommy had a bad dream." I said as I took a sip of my coffee.

Teddy took a sip out of his cup, giggling when I wiped his lip. I smiled and chuckled softly.
"Was your dream scary Mommy?" He asked, his head tilted to the side. I smiled softly and kissed his forehead.
"It was. But don't worry Teddy-Bear, Mommy will make sure all the bad things that try to scare you, will go away and never scare you." I told him and he smiled, his eyes brightening.
"I love you Mommy. I make sure no scary things get you." I smiled, kissing his nose.
"Thank you Teddy. I love you too." I told him and he kissed my nose back, nuzzling it.
"Uncle Harry coming today?" I chuckled and nodded, smiling wider. I looked at the clock and saw it was 2 a.m, Harry was coming at 7:00.
"Yes Uncle Harry will come today at 7:00 with Aunt Luna and your cousins. We have 5 more hours darling because we woke up earlier." I told him and he nodxed, yawning. I shook my head and took Teddy's now empty cup, picking him up. I put his cup, mine as well, in the sink to wash in the later morning. He started snoring on my shoulder and I figured it was time for him to go to bed. I walked to his bedroom and laid him in his crib softly. He moved a little but settled down quickly. I kissed his head and brushed back his still brown hair affectionately.
"Good night darling. Sleep tight. I love you." I whispered before slipping out of his bedroom quietly and into my own.

I made my way to my own bed and sat on it, about to get under the covers when a pair of warm arms wrapped around my waist. I leaned back into them happily and sighed in contentment.
"Why are you up this earlier my brave and beautiful Lioness?" My lover asked me and I shook my head with a small chuckle.
"No reason my strong and sexy Badger." I said, looking over my shoulder at her. She smiled and chuckled.
"Tell me love. I want to know what got you so scared." She said and I sighed as she turned me around to face her.
"It was just a nightmare baby. Nothing more." I told her, shrugging. Her hands cupped my cheeks and I could see her face morphing. Her eyes became a brilliant gold and her hair was dark red.
"Red and Gold for my brave and beautiful Gryffindor. Now, tell me baby...what was it about?" I sighed again, resigning to the fact that she would find out eventually.
"It was you fighting Bellatrix...she had you against the wall and I was running. I couldn't get to you and she killed you, the green light flashing in my eyes. Then, it changed to her having Teddy, she was hurting him. She turned to me and started laughing about the Werewolf mutt child. She killed him, slitting-" I cut myself off as tears fell steadily and Tonks kissed them away, lingering on my lips.

She pulled away, resting her forehead against mine. She looked at me, her gold eyes piercing through me.
"Baby, my Aunt isn't here anymore. Mrs.Weasley killed her remember? She can't hurt Teddy, she can't hurt me...she can't hurt you. We're all safe and sound." Her words washed over me as her lips brushed against mine while she spoke. I ran my hands though her hair, nodding.
"It's hard Nymph...really hard. I'm so scared one of them will come back and hurt you both because of me." I said, finally expressing my fears to her. She stroked my cheeks, kissing my lips again.
"Hermione Jean Tonks. Don't you ever think that they will come back to hurt us because of you. They won't come back to all. I promise my love. Don't worry." She told me, her eyes burning with love and truth. I nodded and she smiled.
"Now, come lay down and get some rest. Your non-blood brother is coming at 7:00 with his bunch of little ones and they're gonna be a handful." With that she pulled me down, wrapped her arms around my waist, amd pulled my back to her front. She surrounded me in a caccoon of love, warmth, safety, and devotion.

She muzzled the back of my neck and I could feel her features morphing into a cat as she started purring.
"Good night Mione. I love you." She said and I smiled, lacing my fingers with her where they rested on my stomach.
"I love you too Nymph. Good night." With that, I fell asleep in the arms of my beautiful wife and slept peacefully for the rest of the night.

There were times where I would get nightmares and my wife and son would always be there to remind me that I was safe, even my non-blood family would be there. That I would always have them to help me through them.

I couldn't ask for a better family.

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