(listen to the song on the side. I don't own it)
You, Prodigy, Princeton, Ray Ray, Roc Royal, and Myles have been best friends for 3 years. you both are 16 years old. You guys are spending the night at your house because you guys have nothing better to do. Then out if nowhere Ray Ray came out with an idea.
Ray Ray: Hey guys. Do you want to play a game.
Myles: What kind of game?
Ray Ray: Russian Roulette.
Prodigy: ARE YOU CRAZY?!?! NO!!!!
Ray Ray: Come on. There is nothing to be scared of.
Y/N: Ummm. Yes there is. Six chambers, Six people. I love you guys I can't lose any of you guys.
Princeton: Where would you even get a revolver anyways, Ray Ray?
Ray Ray: Right here. *pulling a revolver out of his back pocket along with a pack of bullets*
*everybody jumps back*
Everybody except Ray Ray: WHAT THE HECK. WHERE DID YOU GET THAT FROM?!?!
Ray Ray: I stole it from my house.
Y/N: Well get it out of here. You too.
Ray Ray: Are you kidding me? If you guys don't play, I will shoot each and every one of you.
Myles: Ray Ray. Come on now. We all know that you will never do that.
Ray Ray: Oh ya. Why wouldn't I? I got the gun and the bullets right in front of me. You guts have 10 seconds to make your choice.
Y/N: What do you guys think we should do?
Myles: I don't know. I think we should play. Think about it. If we don't play Ray Ray will kill us. But if we do play, we have a chance at living.
Prodigy: I guess you're right.
Ray Ray: So is that a yes?
Everybody except Ray Ray: Yes.
Ray Ray: Thought so. Lets go in the basement.
*Everybody followed Ray Ray in the basement. When y'all got in the basement you guys saw that it was already set up. There was a round table in the middle of the room with six chairs going all around it.*
Y/N: You planned it?
Ray Ray: Yep. I lied when I said that I had to go to the bathroom. I came here instead to set everything up. I knew that you would rather play then be killed my your own best friend. Now sit.
(Listen to the song on the sing now)
Everybody sat down in the chairs and watched Ray Ray put a bullet in one of the revolver's chambers, closed it and spun it. When it stopped spinning he put the gun in the middle of the table and spun it. Everybody watched it go round and round till it finally stopped, the barrel facing Myles. Tears started running down his face. He picked up the gun and held it to his head.
Myles: Please Ray Ray. Don't make me do this.
Ray Ray: Pull it. Who knows. It might not be you.
Myles started to cry harder then he pulled the trigger.
He threw the gun down then started crying tears of joy. Ray Ray put the gun in the middle of the table and spun it. Again everybody watched it spin until it stopped, in front of Princeton.
Princeton: Oh my God.
Princeton picked it up and spun it's chambers. He said a silent prayer hoping it wasn't him while it stunned. Then it stopped. He put the gun to his head letting out tears.
Princeton: Why are you making us do this?
Ray Ray: Cause I can.
Tears started to fall faster as he slowly pulled the trigger.
He smiled happily that God answered his prayers. He put the gun in the middle and spun it. It went round and round and round, until it landed on Prodigy.
Prodigy: No. No. No.
He picked up the gun and spun it. He started to breathe heavy and pulled the trigger. *CLICK* He let out a deep breath and put the gun in the middle of the table and spun it. Everybody took the time to look at each other and say I love you one last time. In case it goes off this time. Everyone except Ray Ray. When everybody looked down. The gun had stopped. It's barrel staring at Roc Royal.
He picked up the gun, spun it's chambers, and put it to his head. And ever so slowly, he pulled the trigger. *CLICK* he put the gun in the middle of the table and spun it. The spin seem to take forever but when it finally stopped it pointed right at Y/N. Tears started to form in the brim of her eyes.
Y/N: Please please please don't let it be me God.
Y/N spun the chamber and waited for it to stop. when it stopped she immediately put it to her head and pulled the trigger. *CLICK* The click of the empty chamber filed the room. She put the gun in the middle of the table and spun it. Everybody prayed that is wasn't them. The gun finally stopped, and it landed on Ray Ray. He picked it up and spun it's chambers.
Ray Ray: Round and round it goes. Where it stops, nobody knows.
It finally stopped and he put it to his head.
Ray Ray: I want to say I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done this.
Prodigy: It's okay Ray Ray.
Ray Ray: I hope after this that we can put this behind us and start off fresh. Go back to things like it used to.
Roc Royal: It can.
Ray Ray: Okay I'm glad to hear that. Just one more shot. Just one more and all of this will be over. It's only fair that I do this since all of you did.
Myles: Okay. Just one more.
Ray Ray smiled the biggest smile that you can ever imagined. He pulled the trigger. *BOOM* The sound of the loaded chamber filled the room. Piece of Ray Ray's skull flew across the room. His face was torn off and blood was everywhere. Everybody was looking at Ray Ray's body as it laid across the floor. Once reality sat it everybody started crying hard. There once loveable friend, who turned into a monster, is dead.
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