PART WHATEVER. *rolls eyes*

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You had arrived home to find the kittens sleeping in your bedroom. You giggled, then removed your Are You Ready For Freddy bag from your shoulder and hung it up on your the corner of your (F/C) desk chair. As you turned around, you saw the kittens all walk out of the room. You did not follow them as you were in a very sleepy state, and could not be bothered to have a care in the world as to where they were roaming in your apartment. "Look, kitties Imma take a nap..." you called out wearily to your feline friends. They meowed in response and you just lied on your bed with one earphone in until you fell into a heavenly slumber.

///A WHILE LATER...///

Mike, Fritz, Jeremy, Vincent, Scott and Chris had gathered in your living room, but they were human. "What are we supposed to do if she finds out we are fucking nekos?!" Mike grumbles, aware that you are asleep.
"We keep quiet about it for now...unless she does not mind of course!" Fritz chips in.
"No, we should be truthful and tell her." Scott announces.
"I agree." Chris says, happily.

You open an eye, being awoken from some deep, muffled voices in your room. You stand up and walk to your door and tremble with fear, your hands start to shake as you press your palms against the cold door.

Jeremy looks around and sighs,"guys we should turn b-back...she'll see us..."

You gasp. THERE ARE ROBBERS IN MY HOUSE?! Your thoughts start to race around in your mind. You heard the low grumbles of the intruders and you then heard footsteps then leading to silence. The robbers had left, or so you thought they were robbers.

Scott meows and gestures towards your door and they all walk over to it, lightly pushing it open as you then gasp and leap into your bed, shaking in fear again. I-I thought they were gone!! You hide under your bed covers until six furry felines purr and curl up on top of you, then you giggle and whisper; "I thought you guys were the robbers...!" They stop purring and exchange with each other awkward looks before falling asleep in your arms.

Hello people! I am sooooo sorry I have not updated this in a while...I know many of you requested for this to have an update but I just could not be bothered! Anywho...this was an idea by a talented follower/reader of my book of mine who suggested this wonderful plot to me! Anyway, see you in the next chapter! Bye!

~~Thunder ;)

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