Chapter 38

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~5 years later~

Lynn's POV

Life is alright right now. My mom beat brain tumour which made everyone happy and nows she's living a healthy and happy life with her new boyfriend Ian. I'm in college studying to become a doctor and it's hard work. I think my brain has exploded by taking in all the information you need to know about becoming a doctor.Billy is still the nerdy freak like he used to be and Poppy... Let's just say she's a make up freak.

Ethan and Grayson are doing a great job in running their dad's company. Ethan and I are still going strong however he still ain't back from the business trip which is quite sad. and Grayson is dating a girl called Zeynep. Her name is amazing and she's really pretty and she's very kind. We talked over Skype sometimes and I can't wait to meet her in person.

Madison and Jack are a couple. Everyone was shocked that Jack asked her to be her girlfriend because he isn't the type of person to do relationships. Anywho Jack proposed to her and soon she is going to get married. I can't wait for her marriage.

Zoella has a two year old son and is married to... The one and only NASH GRIER!!!!!!! Everyone ship them together and guess what. They were a couple ages ago even before me and Ethan but that stupid Zoella didn't bother telling us that she was in a relationship. Your a good friend Zoella a really good friend.

Miranda well she passed away last year. She committed suicide because her mother died after a car accident and she was very close to her mom. They were like two peas in a pod. Miranda went crazy after her death of her mother and was sent to the mental asylum. She then escaped and committed suicide. We all still miss her very much.

The rest of the guys.. Um to be honest I have no idea where they are and what they are doing but hopefully they're having a great time.

Meredith.... Hmmm she's kinda dating a girl called Sophia. Who knew that she was a bi or Les. Now they live in their own apartment away from everyone else. But trust me she's still a bitch.


I glanced quickly at the clock. I had 30 minutes until I was to be picked up for my job interview. I need a part time job so I can afford to live in my own flat wh I'm hoping to do soon. I find it quite weird which interview happens in the evening and why do I have to dress like I'm going on a date. Oh well let's go het this job.

My eyes turned back to my mirror. I didn't want to look like I was trying too hard, so I'd picked out some light makeup. My hair was already curled and done. I started by using foundation to cover up any spots. I outlined my eyes with black winged eyeliner, then dusted on a smoky eyeshadow. Next, I applied mascara, pink blush, and cherry Chapstick.

I smiled at my reflection in the mirror. I was proud of my appearance.

I threw open my closet door and examined each dress individually. I didn't know exactly what kind of clothes the manager wanted me to wear. so I didn't know exactly what kind of dress I was supposed to wear also he better not think wrong. After careful consideration, I picked out a short black dress. It was sleeveless, and there were square cut-outs around the waist that had the same effect as a belt. The back was open as well, but it was crisscrossed with black strips of fabric that created a pattern.  I changed into it out of my ripped skinny jeans and loose red top. As the finishing touch of my outfit, I put on a necklace with a single red gem dangling from it, and matching red high heels. The red contrasted beautifully against the black.

Once again, I glanced at the clock. I still had 10 minutes, which I deemed enough time to paint my nails scarlet to match the necklace and shoes.

Unfortunately, I had overestimated how long it would take to paint my nails, and I was startled by the sound of a car horn outside.

"Maybe I can finish this in the car," I wondered aloud to myself. I would have to, I decided. It would be ridiculous to go on a job interview with half-painted fingernails.

I shoved the red polish in my purse and hurried outside.

To my surprise, it was a limo that was waiting for me. The driver rolled down the window, so I approached him.

"Is this for me?" I asked him, amazed.
"Are you Lynn?" He raised an eyebrow. Clearly he was not one for conversation.

"That's me," I replied with a smile. I climbed into the back of the limo and laid back, my eyes wandering the luxurious vehicle.  He began driving, so I pulled my nail polish back out and finished up my fingers.

After I was done, I stared out the window until we arrived at a fancy looking restaurant.
"Thank you," I told the driver politely. I strolled into the restaurant, but the lights were so dim that I could only make out shapes. Standing in the middle of the place was the figure of a man. The figure comes closer and closer. I squint my eyes to see who it was and it was Ethan. He walked up to me with that beautiful smile of his and kneels down on one leg. I looked at him and tears came out of my eyes. I looked up and saw 'WILL YOU MARRY ME" written in lights. It was really beautiful. I looked back down at Ethan. He took a box out of his pocket and opened it.

Inside it was a beautiful diamond ring.
"Yes I will marry you." I said excitedly. He slid the ring in to my finger and got back up and kissed me passionately.

Finally he has proposed for me. It's weird how this relationship started out to be FAKE!!!!!!

Well that's the end my friends. I could've written more but I couldn't because I have exams so I'm really sorry!!! Also I didn't write this chapter PrincessMuffinMendes write this wonderful chapter!!! I hope u enjoyed this book. You can go check out my other books!!!!!

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