Oooooober random

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Idk I keep seeing OCs and I don't know what they are but I'm guessing that it's what you would wanna be if you were an anime?Well anyways here's mine if that guess was right.

Idk I keep seeing OCs and I don't know what they are but I'm guessing that it's what you would wanna be if you were an anime?Well anyways here's mine if that guess was right

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More me in warriors/Snowfang

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More me in warriors/Snowfang

Me and my friend Shyanne(I'm to the left,Shyanne is to the right)Also we aren't holding fish,We are holding seal stufies

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Me and my friend Shyanne(I'm to the left,Shyanne is to the right)Also we aren't holding fish,We are holding seal stufies

Pictures By Me:3Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora