A/n+some pics

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I'm sooooooooooooooooo sorry I haven't been updating a lot,but  I've been trying to separate from my phone a bit.Anyway,I have tons of new pics,sadly I left most of them at my aunts.

Anyway,I have tons of new pics,sadly I left most of them at my aunts

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This one doesn't look that good

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This one doesn't look that good

I'm taking suggestions for what the cat should look like and if  I should cut out the cat and butterfly and glue them to a piece of galaxy paper

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I'm taking suggestions for what the cat should look like and if  I should cut out the cat and butterfly and glue them to a piece of galaxy paper.
Please comment on what u think about that.=^w^=

Pictures By Me:3Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora