Chapter 1 - Something

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This is the most boring job in the entire world of that you are certain. Sure, you dreamed of being a singer, singing in snazzy bars and fancy clubs in Seoul, smoking all the cigars you wanted in secret, but then your mother told you to get a life so you got one. Some life. Jennie Ruby Jane Kim, young, gorgeous (so you've been told), a little too mouthy for your own good, yet here you are in the big city working in a technical support department mostly taking calls from old ladies who still in this day and age have no idea how to turn on a freaking computer, much less create their own home network or, god forbid, know how to run a simple anti-virus check. If everyone weren't so stupid you'd be out of a job, then again you aren't all that sad about that possibility either.

You're getting married in 3 months. The parents are even paying for the wedding. They're glad you are marrying the guy you dated in high school and the love of your life. The only love of your life. Kai is cute, brown hair, a dork - very much the antithesis of you, yet somehow the two of you have managed to work. He makes you laugh and is a really sweet guy, and according to your friends (not that you have many) they are a rare breed, so when he got down on one knee, albeit outside of Domino's, you said yes.

Yet, you aren't even excited, not even a little.

Actually, you're sort of depressed. Maybe it's the job, the monotonous day-to-day same routine, maybe it's Kai, you have no idea but you've never felt so old, even though you're only 25, you feel like you're turning 50. Your time in college was probably the most interesting your life is ever going to get. You got drunk on occasion, learned new things, hell you even made out with a girl once. Now you're settling down, or at least you think you are, yet you can't shift this feeling of emptiness from your heart and head. You aren't quite satisfied with how your life has turned out or as much as the thought scares you, where it's going.

Life is moving too fast.

It's lunch and like every other workday at lunch time, you are in the busy setting of Starbucks, because you literally cannot stand to be in your office much less your work building, and because you also meet your best friend Jisoo here. That goddess-faced-liked woman was smart, articulate and worked in law, and surprisingly had a lot more work-related horror stories to share than you did so you are both on the same boat. Kind of. She's a single mother raising a small child of her own and, even though you don't say it often enough, or ever to be honest, you kind of admire her.

She's looking at you across the table; hot steam bellowing up from her cappuccino, studying you like she knows there's something wrong. She knows you better than you know yourself, then again these days your beginning to question whether you really know yourself at all.

You put your own coffee down with a soft thud and shoot her an impatient look. "I know you're itching to say something Jisoo, so spill already, I hate when you're weird and quiet like this, makes me think you're a killer or something" you say quickly, feeling uncomfortable in this long silence.

"I was just thinking," she smiles a little, taking a sip of her hot beverage. "On what to get you and Kai for a wedding gift"

"Oh," you sigh, unable to mask your disappointment. You really don't care. If anything you don't want to talk about it. What's the big deal about weddings anyway? You just want the day to come quickly so it's over and done with and people don't hassle you about it anymore.

"Also I was thinking what's wrong with you" she adds.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh come on Jennie," she sighs at you like the game is up. "You're getting married yet I don't think I've ever seen you so miserable"

You sigh as your shoulders slump. You kind of feel like crying but no way, Jennie Ruby Jane does not do crying, especially in front of Jisoo, she'd never let it go.

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