Chapter 7 - Wonderwall

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You've practically been wearing this damn sweater ever since she gave it you, but so what? It's cold outside. This is Seoul. You've been wearing it to work too and you've been getting weird stares, you'll gladly take those over the pervy ones anyway.

"What are you thinking about?" a calm voice calls to you, reeling you out of your thoughts.

You look across to chocolate brown eyes and smile, "Nothing," you mumble.

You're in room 23 and Lisa's been doing a lot of talking today. She's actually reinforced your positivity and you wonder how the hell she does it. You felt down again yesterday after coming down from the high, indestructible feeling she gave you on Tuesday but now you're back and you can feel it simmering back up again.

"Glad to see you're wearing my sweater, I think you look cute in it" Lisa says quietly then looks away like she shouldn't have said that at all.

"Thanks," you breathe quietly and feeling a little braver you add, "I thought you looked cuter in yours"

Doe eyes meet yours again and you see a flattered smile spread across her beautiful face. She makes your heart and stomach spin in ways nobody else does.

"I want to talk about your relationship with Kai today also" she says, almost as if she's forcing herself back into being professional.

Your smile fades as you shift in your seat uncomfortably. "I...there's not much to talk about" you try shrugging casually.

"How often do you two have sex?" she asks boldly.

"I...that's...that's none of your business" you frown and fold your arms in front of yourself.

What the actual fuck?

Lisa laughs softly but see's you're genuinely offended and her smile fades. She leans forward a little and speaks more frankly to you. "Look Jennie, there's nothing you can say that I haven't heard by other people before, I specialize in sex and relationship counseling, and frankly I think your relationship needs to be addressed-"

"Why?" you ask annoyed. "There's nothing wrong with my relationship"

"Then you won't mind talking about it" she shrugs simply and leans back.

You kind of hate her, except not really.

You sulk and roll your eyes before shrugging at her, "Whatever, I think it's been about 3 months, we're going through a dry spell I guess, but it's no big deal, it's my fault, my mood and lack of sleep doesn't quite get me going, if you know what I mean?"

"What does get you going?" Lisa asks back and her voice sounds softer and her eyes look more eager.

You swallow thickly, unsure about what she's even asking, "I don't know what you mean"

"Does he make you wet?" she asks and bites her lower lip.

Your mouth drops open a little and you stare at her.

"I...uh...yeah of course, he's my fiancé"

"But how and when does he make you wet? Does the thought of him make you wet? Does he arouse you? Do you look at him and find yourself aching so badly for him that you feel the need to jump on him and make love to him?"

There's a slight tone of desperation to her voice and it's making you feel hot.

"Well..n-n-no...I mean...we aren't 16 anymore" you stutter and fiddle with your hands.

Your hearts beating and you practically squirm every time she says wet. You think it's actually making you wet because you can feel your lower stomach pool with heat and your face is flushing and you want to fucking run away out of this room right now.

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