Chapter 3: The device

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Ok, this is going to be really wierd but I am going to try to make this chapter about them "using" the device that they had found.
"What's taking you guys so long? I thought you would have it working by now." Said Sam, walking up to his friends, who were standing around the device. "Shut up Sam, she's working on it." Replied Finley.

"Got it! Let's see how this works, shall we?" Said Emily. "Definetley." Replied Finley.

And they were gone. Just like that. Gone. They were standing in a different place, with different people pointing guns and other weopons at them, and them pointing their weopons back at the strangers. Emily had a wicked looking dagger in one hand and her gun in the other while everyone else only had their guns. Cat, of course, had her claws out, ready to attack at any moment. She was prevented from doing so by Jas, who was preventing himself from killing all of these people in 3 seconds.

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