Chapter 6: Assisting the Rebellion

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  The fight against Levana was finally here. The plan was that Cress was going to hack into the security cameras and make sure no one was seen coming into the palace, Scarlet and Wolf were going to take Griff, Sam, and Emily to go get Winter and Jacin while everyone else was going to try to prevent Kai and Levana from getting married and keep Cinder from dying.
  Emily's POV
As we were sprinting down the almost abandoned hallway, killing any enemies in sight, there was suddenly bullets flying straight toward us, aimed to kill. But we were ready for that. As soon as I heard them, I ran in front of Scarlet and Wolf and forced them to get on the ground to avoid getting shot. I narrowly missed being killed by backflipping over the bullets. I was a little to early with my landing though as I was shot in the shoulder. I tried to ignore it and I hoped that Sam and Griff didn't notice that the bullet had imbedded itself into my shoulder. My dark clothing hid the crimson  blood that was coming from my shoulder wound but Griff seemed to notice that I was slowing down a bit. "How did I know you were going to get shot? Now it's just a matter of time before Sam notices too, so I suggest that you do the best that you can to prevent that wound of yours from getting worse Em." He said to me, slowing down to be next to me. "Yea. Ok. Bloody hell this hurts." I knew just as much as he did that I needed to get the bullet out as soon as possible.
  "Get down!" Sam yelled at us over his shoulder. Me and Griff exchanged glances before sliding to get under the closing metal door ahead of us, something Cress must have been unable to prevent. I took a deep breath before flipping and landing back on my feet, wincing slightly as my feet hit the ground and the force of it made it's way up to my shoulder wound. It took me a second to realize that I had landed right next to Sam, who had clearly noticed the wound earlier than me and Griff had thought.
  "Dammit Em, you're going to get yourself killed before we even find them!" He said, motioning to my shoulder. "Don't you worry about me mate. I'll survive one way or another." I said to him as we kept running.

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