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Bodil666 POV

     What is he talking about? I didn't do anything.... What is going on? I looked at WitherMU sadly and fearfully. "I'm telling the truth, Jason." I plea. He growls at me. "I can see you're lying! I can see it in your eyes! You are a li-" WitherMU is interrupted by Mears making Dark Flowers and Arais laugh. "Hold up! I'm not getting the book time I deserve!" Mears screamed. Arais laughed and sighed. "Mears! Do you know how many times I've had to fix the fourth wall because of you!" Arais yells and laughs. Mears hollered,"I don't care! Bodil666 would kill me and he knows it!" I looked at Mears and toss a knife at her hitting her in the chest. "Merry @#&ing Christmas!!!" I yell. Mears rolls her eyes and pulls the knife out of her chest. "I'm not gonna die in this book, sucker." She smiled proudly. She jumped onto the table and squawked. "Squaw, Queen. Yaaasssss, Queen." Jesus whispered to her, wearing the best sombrero he could have found at Walmart. He got onto a flying cloud and everything turned into a Mario level. "Oh $&!%, I'm fricken' Luigi! Not ok!" Bodil screamed. Mears squatted and waddled around, licking every rock she could find. "Girl, you thirsty!" Dark Flowers proclaimed to the sea of Hamilton fans conveniently placed next to the food court. "BURRy them! Because it is not hopeless and you are not HELPLESS! So don't not THROW AWAY YOUR SHOT! This is the ONE LAST TIME that I can explain how I feel before we BURN our YOUNG, SCRAPPY, AND HUNGRY enemies! Now go get some croutons!" The Army of Hamiltons flew to the food court and hugged chairs letting the way of the sitting consume them into an eternal dance party.

A/N- I am sorry for this, but I had to get my mind off of crap and this was amazing. XD FYI This is not cannon and not apart of the story!

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