Day 13 - Eating Ice Cream

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Ice cream was on the menu whether it was the peak of summer or a lazy day spent in because of the rain.

"It's a bit cold for ice cream, isn't it?"

"Oh Monty, do you never learn. It is never too cold for ice cream ."

Ice cream was perfect for when you were happy and full of energy or when you were depressed and just wanted to curl up with some good TV.

"I know exactly what you need!"

"Pasha, please, I just...I just want to watch the TV in peace."

"You don't even want a spoonful of mint chic chip?"

Ice cream was good to have by yourself in a single cone, with a love in a shared sundae or with friends on a huge plate of brownies, cream and glacé cherries.

"You have cream on your nose."

"You'll have cream on your nose in a minute."

"Is that a threat?"

"Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't."

Vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, caramel, mint, toffee, raspberry ripple, bubblegum, pistachio-

It was safe to say that Pavel was a fan of ice cream.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're an ice cream hog?"


"...that was a clue to say that I would like some."

"I know it vas."

"So...can I?"

"Hmm...I guess...a little bit..."

"Thank you Pavel."

"You're velcome!"

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