Girl Talk <3

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I told Bree Everything that night.  I cried and we laughed. I wished that I could be in Bree's cabin all the time because I knew that being with Nicola was going to be very ackward now.  I know that she still has a thing for Mischa.  and I currently have a thing WITH Mischa!  a little crazy. But, I knew that I have to be the braver, bigger person and act like nothing happened like it doesn't bother me.  I don't know what I will go back to today.

Will she ignore me completely? Will she act like nothing ever happened?   I don't know but if she ignores me it will make it very hard to work with our campers together and pretend that we like eachother. I

So basically, my life has become this  ' In front of campers, I pretend that I like Nicola, and pretend that I don't like Mischa. "  This was going to be complicated.  Bree cracked up laughing when I told her this.

I don't know when Bree and I fell asleep we were up very very late giggling and laughing.   She confessed to me that she was interested in a guy at camp too.  Jax he's from England, very sweet guy, But not my type.   But she didn't think that he liked her back.   " You have to find out"  I said.  " ask him to do something next time we are off"    Oh I cant do that !"  I'm not good at that"     She replied.  "Yes you can!"     We'll see"  She said.  

I also confessed to her about losing my "V" card to Mischa that very night.   she said.  "OMG, really? Did it hurt? What was it like? "    Are you a virgin too?"  I asked. her. " I mean, I guess I'm not anymore, OMG! "  I gushed.   "Yea I am" She confessed.    " It did hurt a little for a minute, But Mischa was very gegntle.  But after that it felt pretty awesome! "   "Awwww" she gushed.  You are so lucky, you two are so cute.  I bet you will be one of those camp couples that gets married after they meet and date here at camp"     I don't know if that will happen, I laughed.  But i'd sure like if it did."  I could totally see my self married to him!"   " Then it will happen one day" She said Smiling.   " I better be at your wedding!"   Of course , you'll be there.  Maybe we can get married here at camp"     And you can marry Jax too and we can both say we met the love our lives at summer camp!"  

The alarm in Bree's cabin was annoying , it was the sound of a rooster crowing!  I don't want to wake up to that everyday!   UGH!     We got dressed , ran to dining hall for breakfast, Mischa was standing by the porch talking in Russian to some of the Russian staff.   I had no idea what he was saying but it sounded sexy to hear him talk in Russian.   I walked over to him, just stood by him.  He clasped my hand into his, pulling me towards him for a hug.    " Hello Beautiful!'  He whispered in my ear,   " Last night was amazing!'   It sure was, I whispered back.  he kissed my forehead.  We walked hand in hand into dining hall. ( we could with no campers there.  I found Bree at table near the window , .... Misca

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