Settling in.

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With out much trouble I found my cabin, Cabin 7. " Lucky # 7!" I laughed out loud to myself. When I entered the cabin, someone else was already there. "Hello?" I said somewhat nervously. "Oh Ello, " A British accented voice replied. "You must be Leah, I'm Nicola I think that we are going to be cabin mates this summer. "Cool, I told her nice to meet you. I noticed how pretty she was, blond hair and green eyes. I guess being the red head with green eyes. Wasn't going to be so different here at camp after all. She had already chosen her bed, so that meant I got to have the other staff cubicle and bed. But no big deal. "Well I'll let you get settled in , if you want we can walk to our meeting together in dining hall later." Yes, that will be great!" I replied to her.

I walked in to my tiny "bedroom" that would be my home for the next 9 weeks of my life. It was a tiny cubicle room with a bed, and a dresser. I brought a few items to make it more homey. I unpacked my footlocker and made my bed in my child like Minnie Mouse sheets that I had purchased just for camp. And placed my purple sleeping bag on top of them. Then, I put u my tie dye tapestry over my window and tied it back with a ribbon to make a curtain. I put some photos up on the small dresser. One of my mom and I in Times Sq to remind me of home. And one of my cat , Max. Just as I was finishing touches. Nicola came bouncing into my room. "Oh , I love it in here, My room is just so drab. I couldn't bring lots of fancy stuff from home flying on a plane from England. " " Yeah , I guess that would be hard." I replied to her. " Well, I have my car here at camp. Maybe on a day of we can go to Walmart and get you some cool stuff too" "Oh i'd love that , She replied smiling.

" You ready to go to dining hall , for our first meeting of staff training?" "Yep,lets go" We walked to the dining hall and I liked her I felt that we were going to be good friends this summer. When we got to dining hall, there were many people inside. I didn't realize that the staff was going to be so big. That's when I saw him for the first time. His longish, dark hair and his deep dark brown eyes. He had a baseball camp on backwards. I felt my heart flutter, thinking in my head , "This is crazy, how can I feel butterflies in my belly I haven't even spoken to him. Yet. But I knew I wanted to. This was going to be great summer.

IDK IF ANY ONE IS READING THIS. But please, if you are please leave me feedback... Much appreciate. Thanks !! : )

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