Chapter XI

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One Year Into The Future..................................................................................................................

Amelia Grace's POV

"Ams," Zayn said, as he strung some garland around the Christmas tree. "Can you grab this?"

"Yep," I smiled, as I grabbed the gold strand from Zayn and spread it around the tree. "Louis, grab it."

"Righto," Louis laughed, as he grabbed the garland from me. "Li, your turn."

"Got it," Liam replied, as he passed it around the back of the tree. "Mickie, you ready?"

"You bet," McKenna grabbed the strand from Liam, and passed it around the length of the tree. "Niall, it's coming to you."

McKenna looked around the other side of the tree. "Niall?"

"Ni?" I called, confused.  No response. "Niall?  If you're in the kitchen again, eating my Christmas baking, so help me-"

"I'm here!" Niall said, running into the living room.  He was holding a brownie, and there were crumbs all around his mouth. "I got it!"

Niall stuffed the brownie in his mouth and grabbed the garland from the ground, passing it to Zayn again.

"I told you not to eat the brownies!" I groaned, wiping the crumbs from his lips. "Those were for my dad!"

"I'm sorry, Princess, but you make really good brownies!" Niall laughed. "They had chocolate on top!"

"My parents are going to be here by tonight, and if all the brownies are gone, you are sleeping on the couch tonight," I threatened, as I went to check the kitchen.  All the baking was there...except half the brownies. "Niall..."

"Sorry..." He said sheepishly, following me into the kitchen.  He wrapped his arm around my waist from behind and kissed my cheek. "If it makes you feel any better, they were even tastier than usual."

"I'll have to make some more," I laughed, as I grabbed my apron. "My dad has an even bigger appetite than you."

I walked into the living room.

"Li," I sighed. "Can you run to the store and get me some more melting chocolate to top the brownies?"

"Sure," Liam smiled.  He put down the ornament he was holding.

"I'll go with you," McKenna said, getting up. "Most stores aren't open on Christmas eve."

"Thanks, Micks," Liam smiled, as he grabbed her hand and kissed her cheek.  She laughed, and turned his face towards hers, capturing his lips in hers.

"Okay, stop," Louis laughed.

"Oh, please, you and Eleanor are just as bad," Liam smirked.

"Yeah, you are," Zayn agreed.

"Don't get us started on you and Perrie," McKenna smirked. "The last time she visited..."

"Okay, we all know what was supposed to be at the end of that sentence," I stated. "And please, no talking like that when my parents are here.  I think they're still scarred from the last time they came and Louis kept cracking 'That's What She Said' jokes."

"Your mother laughed." Louis rolled his eyes.

"No, she did her uncomfortable smile, Lou," I sighed. "And you don't want to know what happens when she gives you the crazy eyes."

"My mum used to do those, too," Niall smiled grimly. "Scary as hell, they were."

"When do they get here?" I asked, as I walked into the kitchen, Niall following me again.

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