Why is it hard?

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Why is it hard to be normal?
Why can't fit in?
Why do I cry when I'm suppose to be happy?
Why can't i just stop the pain?
I'm not normal no one is normal. Then why do they all play with each other but not me? Because they don't care or they don't know you. But I tell them who I am and what I want. Still that doesn't mean you should let yourself down. But I do they don't care about me they only care of being normal. I guess so but you can't know what they are thinking. I just want it to stop, please let it stop. Just stop please i just want to be happy in a world of no worries! I spend half of the time doing this and nothing happens. Just please stop the pain. I don't dance any more it hirts to much. I try to do something it doesn't work. Why please why i just want to not be here any more it hirts more every time I see this pain. Just stop.

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